Saturday, July 31, 2010

Shopping and eating in Istanbul

Istanbul do have a vast range of shops and bazars. The most famous is of course The Grand Bazaar (Kapalıçarşı, meaning Covered Bazaar)), which I wrote about in a former post. Other famous shopping areas are Nişantaşı and İstiklâl Cadessi on the European side. Here most tourists do their shopping.

Well there are alternatives
We did shop were the locals live on the Asian side: Bağdat Caddesi (Baghdad Avenue) in the suburb named Kadiköy and the district of Erenköy. Here you find all the famous international brands with their own shops as well as Turkish Brands. Just like in all major cities.
Trafikk - Asia 1 - C 
Follow the signs from the European side when you have cossed “Hasans bridge” (The Bosphoros Bridge - 1. Boğaziçi Köprüsü”) in the direction of  Kadiköy.
Erenköy  IMG_2903 Avenue
Bağdat Caddesi
is a one way drive from south to north. 
This is not what I had imagined an avenue in Istanbul…
Erenköy  IMG_2904 Sidewalk
Sidewalk at Bagdat Cadessi. Is this really Asia?Erenköy  IMG_2906 Crossing small street 
Ingelin and Anna crossing a small street. Marmara Sea at the end of the street.
Erenköy  IMG_2901 shopping 
The Ladies went shopping. Luckely for papa, they did find what they wanted in the same shop (Moda of Turkey). Papa and grandson had to wait for more than a hour. In between papa as well found some Jeans and T-Shirts;-) Guess the ladies were surprised…
Erenköy  IMG_2910 Lunchtime Erenköy  IMG_2912 Luch for ML and parents
Lunch at Midpoint - Erenköy - Istanbul Erenköy  IMG_2908 Water and fresh lemonade
Shopping also means: Time for Lunch. At least Metin Leander was hungry. Turkish food are delicous. And healthy as long as you stay away from Turkish Delights. LOL.

More food and other stories from Istanbul and Turkey to come…

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