Showing posts with label jonas peterson. Show all posts
Showing posts with label jonas peterson. Show all posts

Friday, December 2, 2011

The Magical Glow of Light

As I walk my dog every night I savor the beautiful evening glow... light posts, holiday sparkle, plus the moon and stars.  There is something so magical about light in the evening landscape.  I recently found these lovely images from Jonas Peterson showing this nighttime aura.

Friday, July 1, 2011

Chaos vs. Control

Why is the garden such a dynamic place?  Because there is a constant tugging between chaos and control.  The garden pulls towards the chaotic, while we strive to gain control.  This challenge somehow drives us to dive in deeper and deeper.

Photo courtesy of Jonas Peterson Photography
Darn it, we want to badly overpower it...pulling unwanted plants, shearing shrubs into balls, sweeping lawnmowers over grass.  The garden just keeps pushing back.  Maybe we all just love a good fight.

Photo courtesy of made by katrina

Monday, June 13, 2011

The Allure of Gardening

One week ago it was blazing hot here...heat index 100 degrees.  When the temperature is that intense I typically want to stay within air conditioned confines, but for some reason I was compelled to be outside.

For three days I weeded, watered, and planted in that blazing heat.  Oddly, my 9-year-old daughter wanted to be with me (she created a cute little fairy garden...maybe I'll share images of that soon). Don't worry, we drank lots of water and stayed in the shade as much as possible (my daughter even begged me to purchase a small kiddie pool to stand in).

We accomplished a lot, felt good about it, plus had really nice showers at the end of the day.  I can't believe the allure of gardening.

Image courtesy of Jonas Peterson