Saturday, October 13, 2007
Just sayin', is all.....

When his name was revealed to be Edward Milner, Booth, Cam, and Hodgins all had a good laugh over him being "Mister Ed". Bones, of course, didn't get it.
Cam: "As in, a horse is a horse...."
(The others chimed in with the "of course, of course".)
Booth: "The famous Mister Ed!"
Luckily, none of them had to hit her over the head with it being a TV show, so we're spared a Zonk. Because long before 2007, Mister Ed was indeed famous in Toobworld. The secret that he had been a horse who could talk had long since been outed in some way after the 'Mr. Ed' series ended, but before the horse's death.
I assume there was probably some sensationalist news coverage over the story at first, but eventually the world probably came to accept the fact that a horse could talk. (I'm assuming the general public is still not aware that there is an island of such horses in the world - thanks to the TV adaptation of "Gulliver's Travels". It's the Toobworld contention that Mr. Ed was an escapee from Houyhnhm.)

Eventually, Mister Ed was offered the chance to capitalize on his fame, and he became known as the host of a nationally syndicated call-in radio talk show host (as seen in a broadcast but unsold TV pilot produced by Eddie Murphy - "What's Alan Watching?"). If I'm not mistaken, by that time he was living in North Carolina.
Dr. Cameron Saroyan was quoting the TV theme song, but again, this can be splained away. It wasn't used for a TV show, unless one was made about Mister Ed after he became famous. It was probably a novelty record by Jay Livingston and Ray Evans that capitalized on the fame of the talking horse.
And despite all the hoopla over the talking horse, somehow Dr. Temperance Brennan never knew the story while growing up.
Toby OB


Another reporter at the paper ("WMC" version) is Cindy Thomas, but the office she works in looks nothing like the one where Dan is. (Maybe she's on another floor.)
The outside of the San Francisco Register building as seen in 'Women's Murder Club' is different

This is easy enough to splain away - different sides of the same building; the side from 'Women's Murder Club' was a much later addition. Or it could be that the paper has several different locations in town. As the Rozerem dream-beaver would say, "Whatever."
At any rate, it's doubtful we'll ever see a crossover. ABC airs 'Women's Murder Club' while 'Journeyman' is on NBC. And for the most part, with rare exceptions, networks don't believe in Television Without Borders. So no chance for Cindy and Dan to bump into each other at the paper, no matter which floor they're on!
So now the San Francisco Register has:
'Women's Murder Club'
'Star Trek: The Next Generation'
"Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home"

(The San Francisco Register from 'Journeyman')(The San Francisco Register from 'Women's Murder Club')
Toby OB
Friday, October 12, 2007
But I will admit a lot of times such blendings could lead to disaster. I can't think of any TV show I would force into a match with the current 'Pushing Daisies', for example. (Commercials on the other hand.... wherever 'Pushing Daisies' takes place, I bet the people in those Target ads live there!)
That's why if we are to suggest a connection between shows of widely different genres, the theoretical link should be as minimal as possible. And I think last night's 'Mad Men' had another one besides the pozz'bility that the flashback took place on the same site where 'M*A*S*H' happened.
When Dick Whitman was recovering in the hospital, he received the Purple Heart which was meant for his superior officer. But Lt. Don Draper died back in Korea and Dick switched dog tags so that he was now Draper. After the little ceremony at his bedside, the officers moved on to the next bed to make yet another presentation - this time to a Lieutenant Nelson.
That's all we know of that guy in the next bed, and that's great. Any more detail and it would have been overkill, destroying the chance to make an outrageous link.
Here's what I'm thinking.....
Lt. Nelson's full name was Anthony Nelson, and he was a member of the Air Force. Although wounded, he chose to make the military his career and moved up in the service until he became a Captain and then a Major attached to NASA. He lived most of his adult life in Cocoa Beach and his life was changed forever when he washed up on a desert island after his space capsule made a splash landing. There he discovered a genie's bottle which contained a beautiful "young" woman who had been transformed into a genie back in 64 BC.

Toby OB

Could it be that this all happened on the future site of the M*A*S*H 4077? It's a pozz'bility - the surrounding hills certainly looked familiar.
Toby OB

"Daniel Lawrence Hawkins 1975 - 2007
Husband - Father - Hero"
I was kind of hoping his middle name might have been "Luther". That would have made my theory of relateeveety easier to present.
See, I'm thinking that DL has an older cousin by the name of Luther Hawkins, who was a physician's assistant in Boston twenty years before. During the 1990s, Luther went to medical school on the isle of Jantique.
I'm thinking he made it as a doctor, and if the picture to the right is any indication, I'd say he's doing pretty well for himself in that regard!
'St. Elsewhere'
'Going To Extremes'
Toby OB
Thursday, October 11, 2007

You can see this fusion here.
Toby OB

Chuck: What's that for?
Ned: It's um, for steering emergencies.
Narrator: He lied.
Chuck: Right... That's what I thought.
Narrator: She lied too.
And then they proceeded to hold hands using it.

If the Farrelly Brothers were directing this show and not Tim Bur-# oops! Excuuuuuse me! Barry Sonnenfeld, they would have utilized that function!
By the way, if Ned was so concerned with not touching Chuck, why did he stand next to her when they jumped into the pile of crash dummies? The chances were pretty good that they might have touched when they landed.
Toby OB
Wednesday, October 10, 2007

For Simon Templar has a son, at least in Toobworld. His name was Simon Templar as well. Simon Junior used his Daddy's nickname of "The Saint", as well as his vanity

There are two other Simon Templars in the TV Universe, one played by Andrew Clarke and the other by Simon Dutton, and both in 1989. But the two of them would have to be relegated to alternate TV dimensions.
Toby OB

That T-Mobile blipvert showed up about 25 minutes into 'Pushing Daisies'. And as a bit o' serendipiteevee, Dennis Hopper showed up in another one of his Ameriprise

Toby OB

From December of 2005, we saw Frank Barone and his wife Marie in bed as Frank extolled the benefits of Alka Seltzer after he ate the whole thing. And it was definitely Marie Barone with him, even though we really didn't see much of her: Doris Roberts supplied her voice.
Toby OB

I was thinking about this during the hot catfight on the roof (Take that, Tennessees Williams & Moltisanti!) between Sarah and La Ciudad.

I know. Two hot chicks duking it out and I'm thinking about comic books. Something's seriously wrong with me......
But I can't control it when the Toobworld Imperitave takes over. That scene got me thinking that I'd like to see Sarah get into it hot and heavy with Fiona, the gun-crazy ex-girlfriend from 'Burn Notice'. (Okay, maybe I'm not so abnormal after all!) They could fight each other before realizing they had a common enemy and then they'd go after him/her.
It's a crossover that has a slim pozz'bility of attainment since technically 'Chuck' and 'Burn Notice' are both NBC productions. However, 'Chuck' is broadcast from the Peacock Throne while 'Burn Notice' airs on the USA Network. Still with NBC raising the visibility bar for USA by shifting 'Law & Order: Criminal Intent' over to its domain, maybe this type of crossover might help bring some more eyeballs as well.
If not, I've still got my imagination to work with, and that type of scenario could be developed into a mental mini-series..........
BCnU (in my dreams, Ladies!)
Toby OB
Dennis Finch
'Just Shoot Me'

Just thought you might like to see what she looks like as the Seattle DMV clerk.....
Toby OB
(Still getting used to what my new computer "Artemus" is capable of!)

The spacecraft that crashed through Big Ben and then sank into the Thames was a plot by the

So it's pozz'ble, just pozz'ble (as Mushrat would say), that the information... information... information about the attack on Big Ben and the truth regarding Clan Slitheen is locked away in Chuck's noggin.
Now, faithful followers of "Inner Toob" and followers of the televisiologist faith may remember that 'Doctor Who' had to be relegated to an alternate TV dimension because of all of the discrepancies that clash with Toobworld in general - at least the version brought back to life by Russell T. Davies.
However, I also hold that it still exists in Earth Prime-Time, the main Toobworld - even following the same storylines, but with the necessary changes to make it jibe with "life as we view it" on other shows. (For instance, Tony Blair was murdered by the Slitheen in "Aliens of London", but that didn't happen in the real world nor in the main Toobworld. And so it would have been Blair who faced the Sycorax in "The Christmas Invasion", and not Harriet Jones.)
So Big Ben would have been attacked in both Earth Prime-Time and whichever alternate TV dimension which houses the new 'Doctor Who'. (Classic 'Doctor Who' can remain in the main Toobworld.) And until such time - if any! - when the creators of 'Chuck' decide to employ that Big Ben image, the secret of the Slitheen is tucked away in Chuck.
Toby OB
Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Near the end of the episode, Simon Templar was attempting to escape the grounds of the Longman estate with Stella Longman. He was knocked to the ground by one of the guards, who soon joined him because of a karate chop delivered by Stella.
"I learned that on television!" Stella crowed.
"Keep your voice down, Mrs. Peel!" 'The Saint' admonished her.
Now, for us watching at home, this was a combined joke. Harry Junkin, who wrote the script, must have meant that Stella had been watching 'The Avengers', and Templar was meant to pick up on the reference by calling her "Mrs. Peel".
But that reality is outside the realm of Toobworld. For the inner reality of the TV Universe, this is how it should play out:
'The Saint' and 'The Avengers' share the same world, so whatever program (or programme) Stella

I find it easy to believe that Simon Templar's path crossed with that of Emma Peel during her time working with John Steed. And they probably would have found that they had a lot in common, both being talented amateurs after all. I could also see the Saint trying to put the moves on Mrs. Peel, but she would have been able to rebuff his advances in her teasing, flirty manner.
There was plenty more about that particular episode of 'The Saint' which is of televisiological interest, but that's for another day.....
Toby OB

In his scene, Simms found himself stuck in a tense family situation. JJ rejected Katie, who arranged the opportunity to meet his football hero, because he sees her as coming between his father and his dying mother......
Toby OB
Monday, October 8, 2007

When I was a teenager, the CBS affiliate in Hartford was showing this every afternoon, and for this star-obsessed kid, 'Burke's Law' was a treat: Up-and-coming actors (like John Cassavetes and John Saxon), and stars on the wane (like Mary Astor, Betty Hutton). And after awhile I came up with my own method of figuring out who the killer was - for the most part, any actor who appeared in three scenes was usually the killer. (But this wasn't always the case. As Captain Burke would say, "When it comes to murder, the only sure thing is that there are no sure things. Burke's Law.")
This past Sunday's episode was "Who Killed Cable Roberts?" (All of the episodes were "Who Killed __?") And looking at the listings at, it looks like the show is in its third week of syndication. So I'm good for a good two seasons worth of episodes hopefully in the weeks to come.
I'm not sure if this syndication package will include the third season when the show became 'Amos Burke, Secret Agent'. I'm not too keen on seeing that, but I would like to see the episode which features Michael Dunn as Mr. Sin. (It's my contention that Mr. Sin is Dr. Loveless with a new alias. The fact that he'd still be alive 100 years after 'The Wild, Wild West' is a subject I've covered often in the past. Email me if you want to know how that could be.)
Toby OB
It's been my custom the last few years to bring along a boxed set of some TV series when I stay at the cottage "GeeGee". For this week I had the two boxed sets for 'Shirley Temple's Storybook' and the Disney Treasures collection of the very first five episodes of 'The Mickey Mouse Club'. That tin-boxed set, arranged by Leonard Maltin, had only arrived on my doorstep the day before I left for vacation. And although it wasn't planned this way, I knew I had to bring it along because the first broadcast was on October 3rd, 1955 - a few months after I was born. So I thought it would be cool to watch each of the episodes on the 52nd anniversary of their first telecast. (52 years.... ::sigh::)
I didn't make it through all of the 'Shirley Temple Storybook' collection; I did have some actual Life, after all. The episodes I've yet to watch are:
"Babes In Toyland"
"The Princess And The Goblins"
"Pippi Longstocking"
It appears that Ms. Temple-Black chose episodes that featured her in a starring role, not just as the host of the anthology series. (It's my hope more episodes will be forthcoming on disk, even if they don't star Shirley Temple. A lot of great actors, either already established or on the rise, appeared on the show!)
Those episodes I did manage to watch were:
"The Land of Oz" (Twice! So much more fun when viewing it with a 2½ year old nephew!)
"The Reluctant Dragon"
"The Little Mermaid"
"The Terrible Clockman"
"The House of The Seven Gables"

As time goes on, I'll have more on each individual production and its place in Toobworld. (With "The Land of Oz", for example, I can make the argument that it links to 'Bewitched'. I'll probably write that one up as the debut of 'Tin Man' on Sci-Fi approaches.)
As for 'The Mickey Mouse Club', I've already posted a few days ago about the appearance by Sooty and his friend Harry Corbett in the second episode. If anything else comes to mind, I may cobble together a post for it.
Someday I'll have to track down a copy of a psych thesis paper an older second cousin wrote up about me when I was two years old, watching the program. It might make for some amusing - more likely, embarrassing! - filler here someday!
Toby OB
I fell asleep at 9 pm. I woke up at 4 am.
Even my bladder betrayed me. Usually it forces me to get up after just a couple of hours.
I know... TMI.
So anyways, I missed the return of Chevy Chase to the "Weekend News Update" desk. But I did get to see a few moments of it, thanks to the AOL TV alerts.

From what I've read at Roger Catlin's and Alan Sepinwall's blogs, "TV Eye" & "What's Alan Watching" respectively (links to the left), Chevy was a little rusty, a bit disoriented, and some jokes fell flat. But the nostalgic value of his appearance went a long way in maintaining the goodwill of the audience.
I've checked YouTube and, but so far there's nothing up yet of his appearance. However, it shouldn't be too long before it's up at
Best of all from what I saw in the excerpt, he gave a great new twist to his most famous line:
"I'm still and you're still not."
Toby OB

Zarnow was tipping his hand that he had no intent on checking Chuck to see if he was the real deal or not. Apparently he was already convinced and was just going through the motions in order to find out how best to capture Chuck for his own ends.
Gotta give Dr. Zarnow credit though. It wasn't that long ago that he was a malicious shoe-store clerk - don't believe me? Check out the video for "She's Got Legs" by ZZ Top!
Toby OB
Sunday, October 7, 2007
Toby OB
This is a day to reckon with:
All alone: What's going on?
Tish not here this morning!
Cook still did not do the brocolli (sic) right.
[symbol: a circle with a cross through it] I've told him.
John nicked me when shaved me!
I fear the death of Dutch has left her with more ...
And that's where it ends.
It's probably not worthy of analysis like the minutiae to be found on 'Lost', but any trivia that helps expand the basics of Toobworld is always appreciated. So my thanks to Ms. Sample for making the effort.
Toby OB