Thursday, September 13, 2012

Gorden Family Reunion

August 19-26, 2012 was the Gorden Family Reunion in Branson, Missouri. We all stayed in a 6 bedroom lodge on Table Rock Lake. We swam every day, played games, cooked for one another and ate almost every single meal together, had four different pool tournaments, played the wii, rode go-karts, went shopping, out to eat, watched Jim Stafford's comedy show, saw the Dixie Stampede, went to Silver Dollar City, talked, cried, sang, danced, and laughed all week! SUCH a good week!!


CAMILLA (16mo)



LUCY (3)

GREG (7)





SUZY (23 mo)


NOAH (4)


Camilla LOVED playing on the stairs!

Nick & Megan made us all tacos for Sunday night's dinner! So good! I could eat tacos every day! Monday night Mom and Dad made dinner and Dad made his infamous barbeque chicken on the grill! We all swam and had a great family home evening and then played Hide & Seek and Sardines with the entire family! That hasn't happened in such a long time! The lodge was a great place for it.

on his 64th birthday!!
Courtney & Jared made everyone lasagna, bread, and salad that night. It was delicious! Then we went to see Jim Stafford. So funny! Very entertaining. He's a good musician as well. 

Spencer made us some yummy ice cream with different mix-ins.
He also made us homemade bread a couple of times, chocolate chip cookies, and homemade pizza!

Wednesday night Grandma Blackwell and Aunt Sarah came all the way from Memphis to play with us! We met at Lambert's Cafe, home of Throwed Rolls, and had a nice dinner. Then we went to Bass Pro Shops! That night we watched The Help, ate popcorn, played pool and of course laughed a lot!

Happy Birthday Lambert's Style = a ginormous cinnamon roll with balloons tied to it!


My three cuties outside the Dixie Stampede, which was so entertaining!! We really enjoyed it. The animals were fantastic and the food was good. For the second half of the show they got the audience really involved and called upon Tyler and Rifka to run some relays, which they won! Then Dad went out there to throw horseshoes. Pretty fun!!



After Dixie Stampede we went to ride go-karts. Adelaide was beside herself with excitement about this! It got postponed twice because we wanted to go with everyone and the previous planned times didn't work out. So when this finally happened she was SO HAPPY! I think it lived up to her expectations. Spencer and I took turns riding with Gorden and Adelaide. Once I beat him and once he beat me, which made Adelaide win twice since we swapped kids.When Adelaide rode with Rifka they also came in first place! Once Spencer and Gorden got so far ahead of everybody they got an extra lap before having to turn in!  









Friday we all went to Silver Dollar City!! Then that night we swam and Caleb & Becca made everyone Parmesan Chicken and a huge salad and bread. It was delicious!
 Gorden, Adelaide, Tyler, & Rifka

3rd Row: Caleb, Becca, Rifka, & Tyler

1st Row: Tyler, Rifka, Kelly, & Spencer

All 22 of us! With another little girl coming in a month!

 POOL TOURNAMENTS! Lots of fun was had in the basement of the lodge. We made four different tournaments: two random ones, a couples one, and in-laws vs. siblings. Tyler (who actually isn't officially in the family yet!) won the in-laws vs. siblings! Jared & Courtney won the couples tournament, and the other two got all the way to the finals and then the last game didn't happen because of timing. Dad vs. Megan for one, and Megan vs. Becca for the other. We had a great time!


These cute boys had a blast on the wii together!

 When Jared got home from his mission years ago we took a picture in the front yard of us standing by height. Mom wanted an updated one so we lined up again! Most of us had just come from the pool before this picture. No Rifka is not nursing anybody's baby. ha! Of course no one realized the wet before the picture or else she would have changed. Its all good. That's the way it was! =)

By Age


Thanks Mom and Dad for planning such a great week together!
We are all looking forward to doing it again in 2014!


Whitney said...

Oh Kelly!!! I'm so happy you posted. I love seeing pictures! Your kids are so darling! They make me so happy! We really need to catch up! Our babies are almost the age Adeleaide was when we moved to WA! So crazy! Camila is so cute! She totally has her own look. I can see you in her but she looks so different from your other two! We miss you guys so much and talk about you often! I hope you are doing well. I'm in UT this week for a quick visit! I still find myself wishing I was living at Wymount with all my dear friends! Please sent me a note someday when you get a minute! I'd love to hear more about how you are doing!

abo-bder said...

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