Thursday, October 8, 2009

Hay Maze

Kiddie Hay Maze

We took the kids to the Hay Maze here in Missoula this week. It was a lot of fun. Porter really got into it. The worst part was when we were half way through and Aubrey announced "I have to go to the bathroom." The race was on to get out, I kept on running into dead ends. We did make it but barely.
Aubrey was not in the mood to have her picture taken.

Grandma Pam

The kids loved having Grandma Pam around. Porter thought it was so cool that Grandma played video games with him and Aubrey loved her special one on one cuddle time with Grandma while Porter was at school. They were both really sad after we dropped her off. Porter kept on saying "I'm not happy!"

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Go Griz!

Once again football season has began. We look forward to the Griz games and love to go as a family. This year Aubrey gets to go and she is soooo excited.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Foo and Memo

The kids have been asking for a pet for some time now. Both Nate and I would wanted to let them have one, but didn't want the commitment that comes with a dog or cat. So we decided to let them each have a fish. Porter's is the one with strips and he named it Foo, Aubrey named her Memo. Will see how long they last.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Ward Rodeo!

Cowboy bottoms.
Getting ready to chase the chickens.
Aubrey and Nate chasing the chickens.
Porter just ran around, he really didn't want to catch the chicken. But enjoyed running around.
Petting the chicken once he was caught.

First Day of School!

Porter was so excited for his first day of preschool. He goes three days a week for a couple hours in the morning.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Holland Lake!

Papa and Porter getting some sun.
Aubrey and Ambria
Aubrey swimming.
Porter and Abby on the tube. They both started off a little nervous, by the end of the weekend they were both yelling faster.
Porter, Aubrey, and Abby on the tube.
Abby and Porter

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Oh Aubrey!

Man this girl can make a mess.

Friday, August 21, 2009

More Camping!

We got in another weekend of camping. Porter continues to amaze me with how brave he is. Both him and his little friend Jaxson love the tube. We couldn't go fast enough for them.

Aubrey driving Papa's Boat.
Porter's hair after swimming and then driving the boat. It stood right up.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Clean, Clean, Clean Our Ship Must Be Clean!

So for those of you who know me well you already know that I am a clean freak. Nate keeps telling me I have OCD when it comes to having things picked up and clean. Both Porter and Aubrey love to help me clean, this drives Nate nuts. Some day Porter's wife will thank me for this.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Hayden Lake

While we were there my grandma make muss. It is one of my favorite things. I remember eating as a kid. It is full of sugar and Aubrey loved it.
Porter after a midnight swim.

It was so cold out I was in my coat and Porter was dripping wet from swimming.

Sarah and Ali taking a nap.
Porter was able to talk his Aunt Cindy into swimming with him.
Porter, Cousin Ambria and Aubrey in the tub.
Ali and Aubrey swimming.
Mady, Mom, and Cindy on the tube.
I was so proud of Aubrey she got real brave this time and jump in the water in the middle of the lake off the boat.
Aubrey and Ambria trying to decide if they want to go in.
Porter loves to pee in the lake. He thinks it is funny and will yell don't drink the water I peed in it.

Porter thought this was Awesome. We were out on the boat when this plane came in and landed on the lake.