Sunday, August 9, 2009

Hayden Lake

While we were there my grandma make muss. It is one of my favorite things. I remember eating as a kid. It is full of sugar and Aubrey loved it.
Porter after a midnight swim.

It was so cold out I was in my coat and Porter was dripping wet from swimming.

Sarah and Ali taking a nap.
Porter was able to talk his Aunt Cindy into swimming with him.
Porter, Cousin Ambria and Aubrey in the tub.
Ali and Aubrey swimming.
Mady, Mom, and Cindy on the tube.
I was so proud of Aubrey she got real brave this time and jump in the water in the middle of the lake off the boat.
Aubrey and Ambria trying to decide if they want to go in.
Porter loves to pee in the lake. He thinks it is funny and will yell don't drink the water I peed in it.

Porter thought this was Awesome. We were out on the boat when this plane came in and landed on the lake.

1 comment:

Jeff, Kimberly, & Liam said...

Thats hilarious that Porter says that!