Friday, February 27, 2009

A Day At The Beach

Even though we have been to San Diego many times with they kids they have never seen the ocean. We thought it would be fun for the kids to go play in the sand and pick up sea shells.
Porter's reaction to the waves coming up onto the beach. He loved it and it didn't take him long to get in the water.

Aubrey was a little scared at first. But after a little time she got right in there with the rest of the kids.

Porter loved playing in the sand and getting all muddy.
Cassidy and Aubrey are only a few months apart. They had fun playing together and Aubrey even got a little taste of her own medicine. When it is just her and Porter she pretty much rules the house. And so the power struggle began.

Both our kids ended up in the water. They both got taken by surprise when a wave came in.

Aubrey had a hard time with the sand on her feet and hands. She just doesn't like being dirty.

1 comment:

Drago Family said...

What a great picture of your famiy. I want a copy!