Saturday, February 28, 2009


Sarah and Darren were so nice and heated their pool so the kids could enjoy an afternoon swimming.
No Fear! A couple jumps later he was spinning.
Our little mermaid! We are lucky both our kids love the water.

Friday, February 27, 2009

Is That A Unibrow?

Aubrey eating pudding. Why do I give her these things? What a mess!

A Day At The Beach

Even though we have been to San Diego many times with they kids they have never seen the ocean. We thought it would be fun for the kids to go play in the sand and pick up sea shells.
Porter's reaction to the waves coming up onto the beach. He loved it and it didn't take him long to get in the water.

Aubrey was a little scared at first. But after a little time she got right in there with the rest of the kids.

Porter loved playing in the sand and getting all muddy.
Cassidy and Aubrey are only a few months apart. They had fun playing together and Aubrey even got a little taste of her own medicine. When it is just her and Porter she pretty much rules the house. And so the power struggle began.

Both our kids ended up in the water. They both got taken by surprise when a wave came in.

Aubrey had a hard time with the sand on her feet and hands. She just doesn't like being dirty.

Friday, February 20, 2009

What A Good Brother!

Porter wanted so badly for Aubrey to go outside and play with him today, when she finally agreed, he decided to do what ever it takes to keep her out there. He must have pulled her around the yard for close to 25 min. All the while Aubrey just sat back and ate snow.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

The Gang Is Back In Town!

Since Porter recently upgraded to the motorbike we thought we would let Aubrey try driving his Escalade. This is super scary because Aubrey pays no attention to where she is going, Nate has to walk along side her and kick the tire so she doesn't crash into the ditch etc.. Hopefully with a little practice she will soon be able to keep up with her brother.

Saturday, February 14, 2009


Just a reminder that we Love You all! And are so blessed to have you in our lives.

I thought I would let the kids do a little arts and crafts today. Porter loves gluing, cutting, and drawing. Aubrey well she loves eating the markers.
This is what happen when I let my attention wander. Aubrey will eat anything!

Monday, February 9, 2009


This use to be Porter's favorite pastime, but since he has gotten a little big to ride in the truck he has decided it is just as fun to push Aubrey back and forth. It is all fun and games until someone crashes into the wall!

Saturday, February 7, 2009

I Can Do It!

If I let her this is what she would wear to Church. She loves her PJ's and would stay in them all day. I think she might have got that from me. The other Sunday Aubrey was determined to get herself dressed. This is what she came up with. PJ's, tights and church shoes.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Another Messy Day

I can not even remember what she was eating here, but boy did she enjoy it. Anytime I give her something that has the potential of being messy, she never lets me down! For being a girl she sure is messy alot.