Saturday, January 17, 2009

Three Winners!

Today was the 4-H competition "Favorite Foods" and all three grandkids entered in a total of five categories. The event started at 8 a.m and the judging took several hours. We arrived at 10:30 and the judging was about half done, and the food booth was quite active since the only tasting of the food entries was being done by the judges. Their chapter eagarly volunteered to host the snack bar as a fund-raising adventure, taking advantage of the bystanders waiting for the award ceremony. Golden Oaks is a fairly young chapter and they were low on funds in their treasury. After today I think they can breathe a little easier for they made a small bundle. Since all the food items they sold were donated by members, the proceeds went right into their kitty.

KL came up with this poster for the food both.

Quite a few items for the kids to sell.

CD entered as a "Mini" 4-H-er and he earned a certificate for his Bacon-Wrapped-Water Chestnuts" and they were delicious.

JD entered his Buffalo Wings (with his own secret seasonings) in two categories: Appetizers and Dairy (because of the blue cheese dressing for dipping the wings) and he won third place in the appetizer category, and won a $10 gift card for the dairy category.

Both KL and JD won medals to pin onto their 4-H hats.

KL baked chocolate chip cookies from a recipe her Gramma Pam sent her (the recipe won the 2000 Chicago Tribune Bake-Off) and she won second place in the Cookie Division, and also won a $20 gift card for her entry in the Place Setting category.

Finally, after all the judging was done and the awards were proudly presented, it was a "Come and Get It!" moment and everybody got to sample the entries. What a great lunch!

Life is good!


Farmer Jen said...

Makes me hungry!

kalebsmum said...

That's neat to see that your grandkids are into 4H! And it looked like a lot of fun for them! Great that they each got something!

Aunt Patty said...

Sure would love to have been there to taste all those great goodies. Congratulations to CD, JD, and KL on the fine job they did. Hope I get to taste them all one day.

jennavar said...

That was a fun and new experience. Thanks for making the trek down there to witness the festivities. I love new experiences! Small animal expo in February is next!