Thursday, March 5, 2009


I haven't posted lately, because there is nothing out of the ordinary to post about. I woke up today with a head cold, yuck. I mangaged to avoid a nasty stomach bug my kids had a couple weeks ago, but I guess you can't win them all. We are human.

Speaking of human, or not being, I just finished reading "The Host" by stephenie meyer, and enjoyed it. Some sci-fi, and the first couple of chapters you have to decipher who is speaking, but the rest was interesting!

We have been de-cluttering a bit around here, and have collected quite a pile-o-junk to pawn off elsewhere. I must say, it feels good. Our little home has only so much room and when Avery outgrows some baby gear, we'll have to stash it somewhere.

Last night, in the middle of it, Zachery woke up yelling. I went in to see what the din was about and he sat up and demanded we go to grandma's house NOW. Right now, to be exact. :) What would happen if we actually got what we wanted, exactly when we wanted it?

My head hurts and it must be time for another dose-o-medicine.


Jan said...

I just don't get why you didn't go to grandma's house right then.

Speaking as a grandma, of course!

Get feeling better!

SweetmamaK said...

Hey you should have taken him to his grandmas house- grandmas love that kind of stuff- poor Zach-
I loved the Host too. At first I was offended because there weren't any vampires. And I had to start it a couple of times, but once I got to like page 37 and the "host body" answered a question instead of the parasite, I was hooked. It came at a time I was down with kidney stones, so all I could do was read and take vicoden, read and take vicoden. Good times! I love your ramblings

The Ziemers said...

I think our families have the same sicknesses. We had the flu bug last week and my head has been hurting this week. I wonder which one of us shared, not that it matters. I'm thinking about reading that book soon!

Emilee said...

Don't I wish I could have everything I wanted, just when I wanted it. I'd have a fresh strawberry pie right now.