I signed Jonah up for a 4H Robotics club!
He was not excited about it, but I knew he would probably love it.
So, we invited a bunch of his friends to do it with him.
His buddies Emmett, McKay, Hewitt, and Daxter are all doing it with him.
HE LOVED it!!!
He gets to go 2 Wednesdays a month, and will compete in the Spring.
After I got Jonah all situated, I drove to the Sandwich Tree (my favorite).
The other kids were with Todd, so it was just me.
I ate my favorite Veggie sandwich and a bag of chips in the car
while I watched this beautiful sunset.
I'm really practicing being more present, prayerful, and still these days.
It makes a huge difference in my life.
I just needed to turn down all the noise of social media, ditch the "busy badge",
and enjoy what's around me.
Last week our Sweet Bishop's wife (from when we lived in Columbus, OH), Sanae Gazdik, passed away from cancer.
She was only 51. She left behind her husband and 5 amazing kids.
The week before she passed away, she wrote that she had no regrets about this life,
and that although most people would say she had it really bad, she felt like she had it all. She had given her everything to following the Savior and raising her kids in an incredible way. She was a really good friend, and had experienced so much joy in her life.
All of this made me think about my own life.
If I continue to live exactly the way I have been, will I have regrets?
So, I am making changes.
No more social media on my phone, no more rushing about to get it all done.
Yes to more connection with real tangible things.
Yes to more board games, conversations, reading to, and snuggling with my kids.
Yes, to more Christ-centered service, and Christ-centered days.
Life is so good.
I don't want to miss any of it.
Also, Pres made this yummy "Lavender Tea" bread last night.
The house smelt delicious, and it was pretty good!!
She still loves to bake.