Tuesday, July 10, 2012

The Amazing Braid

I am so proud of myself for not chopping my hair off a few months ago when the urge hit! Oh, I was so close. Plus, James likes me best with short hair. BUT now I can do this ^ all by myself!

I think it is amazing and beautiful. James says it looks like a shower cap.

What do you think? Is it a DO or a DON'T?


  1. It's a WIN!! Men don't like fancy braids because they don't understand how tricky they are :)

  2. Too cute!! I didn't even know braids could do that!!

    Seeing super pretty hairstyles like this make me miss my hair, but I do still love my short hair!

    1. I saw a bunch of fancy braiding all over pinterest and practiced on my daughter...

      Short hair rocks and I know it is in my future!

  3. Oh congratulations! I never resist the urge to cut my hair. It's why I'm sporting a mohawk now, I guess. I think the braids are cute! I've seen that style pop up and I can't make up my mind if I like it or not, but it is cute. And if it makes you happy--that's what matters :-)

  4. I'm with James, but I think it's just because it hangs down over your ears.
