Monday, November 6, 2017

Hearts Forever

I had a reflective weekend.  Found a few beautiful things to enjoy to comfort my soul. Even if I couldn't concentrate I enjoyed the pretty covers.

A delicious new treat! I love apricots and these were easy, delicious and yes- I'll buy this mix again.

A cuppa 'Positive Energy' Sweet Tangerine... delicious!

Pretty heals the heart and soul.

How perfect this message on the tea bag! 
All of us are unique, special and important.

"Some people come into our lives and quickly go. Some stay for a while, leave footprints on our hearts, and we are never, ever the same."   Flavia Weedn



  1. The teacup is gorgeous!! Love all the gifts you received as well!!

  2. The scones look so delicious! And coupled with the lovely magazine reads and some hot tea, that should definitely improve any mood :) Always enjoy a visit with you! We are indeed special and uniquely created by our Lord :)


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