Showing posts with label babies. Show all posts
Showing posts with label babies. Show all posts

Monday, October 22, 2012

Baby boy

This sweet little baby was such a joy to photograph. I love babies! So tiny and so sweet. Makes me almost want another baby. Almost.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Sweet Girl

I am still behind on posting photo shoots from months ago, but I get going on the recents and if I have an extra minute, I post them, so I need to get the other ones up too.
I had a photo shoot today with this adorable little girl today! Let me just say I love the rolls! I never got a baby this squishy and always wanted one, so I love it when I get to photograph one. I might have to post one of the naked ones because they were so cute and showed all that squishy love! Such a good little girl too. You should have seen how her face lit up when I brought out Elmo. Too funny!

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Baby boy

I have a few sessions I need to post on here, but my most recent is what I'm sharing today. I met the neatest lady at my church a few weeks ago and she had the cutest baby so I asked her if she'd let me take some pictures of him. I mean look at him!!! This is the kind of chubby baby I always wanted. The cheeks, the belly and arm rolls! Love love love!!! He was so stinkin' cute and we had such a fun time taking pictures of him. Such a happy baby!

Thursday, September 15, 2011


I've done a few family pics the last week or so. I finally got around to editing some. The first family I grew up by. It's so fun to see how the families grow and I'm glad our parents are still across the street so we can catch up every once in a while.

This second family has been our best friends the past year. Our babies were born 3 days apart and we've had so much fun watching them grow and get together and play games and eat yummy food. Here are a few from this weeks photo shoot.

I also took some pictures of them when they were just about 2 months old and I never got around to posting them. Don't know why because I love them, so here they are now. They've grown so much!

Tuesday, August 9, 2011


I love me some babies! Here are a few of my twin nephews. I got to watch them for a few hours this past weekend and I couldn't pass up the chance to take a few pictures. Also, my baby turned 10 months. Boy it's going fast. So here are a few of her as well. Love all these nuggets!

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Excuses excuses!

This summer has been so busy. I've been gone a lot so I haven't done too many shoots, but things are starting to pick up some more, which I really enjoy. For my mother-in-law's bday I took pictures of all 12 grand kids to update their picture wall. I feel like they turned out pretty good. We moved pretty fast since the oldest is 12 and the youngest was 8 months old. These are my kiddos. Love them!

This beautiful spot was just down the dirt road a little. Can't believe there are this many kiddos and how fast they are all growing!

We had a great time out there and spent some time on Seneca Lake in New York. I wish I would have had some time to go around and photograph the area, but instead I got a few from where we were.

Our drive home I had to pull over and grab a few pictures of the windmills in Wyoming. I thought they were so spectacular! Again..... wish I had had more time to photograph all the beauty around me. Maybe next time.

Before we left for our trip I was able to get a few pictures of my cute little neighbor boys. I love the one of the older brother choke holding the little brother. Makes me laugh. Probably a more true portrait of everyday life.

This past weekend I had 3 photo shoots. The first one was a family from our neighborhood 2 years ago. Amazing how much a family can grow and change in that time! It was fun working with them and their kids are beautiful! Guess it's from their good lookin' parents.

The next day I had my cute little nephew. He has the bluest eyes and the cutest smile. He was so easy to get to smile.

Later that night I had an engagement shoot. Before they got there I was sitting in front of the Salt Lake LDS temple and thought it looked so awesome, so I snapped a picture. Such an amazing building! 

I haven't had a chance to get through all of the pictures yet, but here's one that caught my eye as I ran through them. Fun couple and amazing eyes! So fun! Can't wait to get through the rest of them.