
The iHop

Pattern: Bunny Nuggets
Needles: 3 mm
Yarn: Patons Wool Tweed (hoodie leftovers), cotton for embroidery


"Sa ole täna keegi, kes astub läbi peegli!"

Yes, Tallinn has been famous for almond products since the Middle Ages. You know, because we can grow lots of them in our climate... Cough

With 3/4 of the lovely dancers, after a dance performance for kids.

With Uncle Eero.


Tweed Hoodie

Pattern: improvised.
Needles: 4 mm
Yarn: Patons Wool Tweed, discontinued colourway :l


Beanie + Wristwarmers

Set for Sigrid.

Pattern: beanie improvised; wristwarmers by Drops
Needles: 3 mm
Yarn: some sort of sock yarn


Visiting the Open Air Museum

Insert clever Don Quixote joke here.

A dark gray island in the middle of the gray sea.

His "what are you waiting for, slave, do what I want, now!!!" look

The horse, Ulaan

The 'too cool to smile for the camera' age. Already!?!?

Riding behind an extremely flatulent horse was a... special experience.


Before blocking

A Christmas present for my mother.

Pattern: Haruni
Needles: 3 mm
Yarn: Schachenmayr Nomotta Brilliant, approx. 4 skeins


Munchkin Vid

Marco knows how to answer the following questions in Estonian:
what is your name? (Marco)
how old are you? (two)
what's your favourite colour? (blue)
what's your favourite animal? (the answer to that one changes every time, he sometimes even mentions trees or flowers :))

So, of course, when I wanted to eternalize his skills on video, he only got through the first two replies and then discovered he can make really funny faces :)


Vanessa's jacket

The belt.

A sleeve gone horribly wrong. I wanted to try making a sleeve cap, but it took me straight to the year 1981, so I had to unravel it and try a straight sleeve instead :) (see above)

Pattern: my own, with Vanessa's requests. Knitted bottom-up, absolutely seamless.
Needles: 4.5 mm
Yarn: Novita Isoveli. Horrible stench that I only got rid of after the THIRD soak.