Showing posts with label Tartu. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tartu. Show all posts


The Toy Museum

Instructing Marit on where to put all the animals in Noah's Ark.

Kisses from afar are better than no kisses. :)

What is this toy called in English?

"What?! There are even more toys over there???"

A corner of the play area.

Marit is perhaps struggling to find the correct terms for everything Marco's pointing at :P

Something new for Marco - drawers that he WAS ALLOWED, even ENCOURAGED to pull out; containing lots of board games.

The first BMX fan in Estonia?

Poking to see if it makes the glass disappear.

He ran into the first room, paused, turned around,
and saw this magnificent creature.
The rest was history.
I hadn't visited this toy museum for over 15 years. In the meantime, it had changed location but had stayed just as sweet and nostalgic. It now has a whole building all to itself, and the two uppermost floors form a MASSIVE play area for kids. Guess who loved every second there ;)

Dashing through Tartu...*

Pillars of the main building of Estonia's oldest university (1632). If you look closely, you can see that its professors have so much free time that they can just hang around near some other building's windows ;)

A sculpture called "Kissing Students", I think.

We had breakfast in that leftmost building. The portions were microscopic but the atmosphere was charming.

The Town Hall of Tartu
*... with all the wrong camera settings :( Also, the usual problem of an unfamiliar place - I don't know the best angles, and balancing a lovely extra load of 14 kgs on one hip while running up and down the far-too-many hills of Tartu means that the composition is... as it is...


Dinner at Žen Žen

Aiming Auntie Anneli with...
Not only did this restaurant provide a fast and friendly service (unlike Moka), it also had a high chair AND a HUGE basket of toys and books, which Marco loved, of course. (He also loved the squid, which he tried for the first time ever.) This was when I first started suspecting that Tartu might not be that bad at all :P

A Quick Meeting

These three look so similar because they share one set of greatgrandparents :P

Who wouldn't want to work here? Lucky Marika! ;)