The Denmark Country Club is, as the name suggests, a beautiful and quiet little place where entire families can spend their Sunday afternoons. Doesn't matter what species.
Mind saab kätte ka kängurunumbrilt +61 410 777 252. Tuletan siinkohal oma lugupeetud emale meelde, et sõnumi saatmine mu kängurunumbrile maksab tema jaoks sama palju, kui mu tavalisele numbrile. Tänan tähelepanu eest :)
Hetkel Austraalias.
"You can take the girl out of Kangarooland, but you can't take Kangarooland out of the girl." Proverbs 2:10
Currently unfinished: baby books, dictionaries, literary theories :)
*Haggis, T. "Exploring “Black Box“ of Process: a comparison of theoretical notions of the “adult learners“ with accounts of postgraduate learning experience." :)
*Illeris, K. "Towards a contemporary and comprehensive theory of learning" :l
*Bourdieu, P. "The biographical illusion" :l
*Hounsell, D."Towards more sustainable feedback to students" :)
*Wiskler, G., Exley, K., Antoniou, M., Ridley, P. "Working one-to-one with studends. Personal tutoring." :)
Winterson, J. The Daylight Gate :)
*Castle, J.B., Schutz, A. "Voices at the Top: Learning from Full Professors" :)
Seth, V. A Suitable Boy :)
*Ginzburg, C. "Morelli, Freud and Sherlock Holmes - Clues and Scientific Method" :)
Gruen, S. Ape House :)
The list above starting from August 2014
Desai, K. The Inheritance of Loss :)
Brontë, A. The Tenant of Wildfell Hall :)
Vseviov, D. Bütsantsi keisrid: valitsejad purpuris :)
Gruen, S. Water for Elephants :)
DeLillo, D. Underworld :l
Pratchett, T. Snuff :) * = probably wouldn't have stumbled on this book unless it wasn't somehow necessary for my PhD studies. ¤ = diagonal reading # = have read this book before
:) = liked it/recommend it :l = neutral/indifferent/bored :( = horrible waste of time