Showing posts with label bloggers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label bloggers. Show all posts

Wednesday, April 01, 2009

Finding Balance

In speaking with a dear friend the other day, I realized that she and I shared the same dilemma: that of regaining our balance.

Every so often, life circumstances change in such a way that I find myself "off-kilter." The symptoms usually include bank statements that are ignored, haircuts that are overdue, dust bunnies (okay, full-grown rabbits) collecting in and around our bar stools, and the OMG moments when I realize I'm five minutes late to pick up The Offspring.

I tend to throw myself into every project that comes my way, and I am fastidious about keeping my commitments. Good traits, but daily responsibilities can often suffer as a result. Priorities tend to shift, and something always has to give in the end. That's one reason I haven't been blogging much.

However, blogging kept me thinking...kept me writing...and definitely made me more likely to use my camera. I miss it, and I miss you all - my blog buddies. My writing skills are important to me. I still cringe every time I see a misspelled word or a punctuation error (OCD, I know). So, I will recommit myself to this world that I had temporarily abandoned. For my sake as much as yours. Blogging is not and never has been a massive priority but something I have let slide to a point that I'm no long comfortable with.

To re-engage you, I ask: When have you found yourself to be out of balance in life? When have you had to rethink your priorities? And what did you do to resolve the problem?

Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Hair-itage and Memery

Hey - I'm still alive out here. I know, I've been absent. But, one of my most faithful and loyal and FANTASICALLY WONDERFUL blogger buddies tagged me a while ago, bringing me out of my blogging slump. So, a big THANK YOU to Kila, aka momto3cubs, for giving me an assignment and luring me out from under my rock. Love ya, babe.

Okay - here goes!


1.Go to your Picture Folder on your computer or wherever you store your pictures.
2.Go to the 6th Folder, then pick the 6th picture in that folder.
3.Post that picture on your blog and the story that goes along with the picture.
4.Tag 6 other peoples that you know or don’t know to do the same thing and leave a comment on their blog or an e-mail letting them know you chose them.
Yeah, I'm gonna save you all some grief and NOT tag. You're welcome.

So, I did this, and had to laugh when I saw the photo...I received this quite a long time ago. In fact, those of you who have followed The Story will truly appreciate this. Back when I first discovered part of my heritage, I had an identity crisis. One of my blogger friends felt my pain and wanted to help me embrace my ethnicity, so she sent me this composite:
Can you guess the celebrity? Yeah - it made me feel better. And I feel HORRIBLY ROTTEN b/c I can't remember which of my blogger friends did this for me...and I'm running out of time to post, so I have no way to go back through archives and research. So, if it was YOU...many thanks! I remember how this picture lifted my spirits and made me identify less with the local illegal aliens.

AS a woman of "some" color...I am rediscovering my hair. I have kept it straight for so long, but it is naturally curly. I realize that the blessings of my heritage include hair that grows quickly, has fantastic body, and yet can be easily manipulated. So, which hair do you like best on your Tiggerlane? This is how I've been wearing it some lately - natural curl, with some gel thrown in. This was taken late, on my cell phone - not the best quality, but you get the idea: This is with a little bit of curl...a bit of body...and yeah, I took this last night after I had rubbed off most of my makeup. You're welcome. But you're supposed to be looking at the HAIR. And yeah, doesn't my nose look big here? Weird.
And this is how I've worn it over the last few years:
I've been having multiple-personality hair lately - wearing it all three ways several times in one week.

Think I should just keep changing it up?

Sunday, November 30, 2008

NaBloPoMo Day 30 - The End. Period.

Day Thirty. Endgame. I did not fail. I rock. Again.

I really can't believe that I accomplished this month-long-daily-posting thing - and yet, I still have a lot to say. And music to share. If you care.

Interestingly enough, I am saddened by the fact that I haven't visited many of my blogger friends in the past month. OR in the past few months. But I will...and I will respond to comments, as always.

But you know, I started this blog to have an outlet for expression and to find out what YOU were thinking...and I'm so thankful that so many of you share your thoughts with me.

I will return to visit you all soon...all of my faithful readers...I have enjoyed blogging this month! For now, enjoy one of my "new" favorite groups...Paramore:

And imagine me and The Offspring, thumping in the Intrepid, singing along.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

NaBloPoMo Day 19 - A Random Meme!

Day Nineteen.

Thanks to Richies, a blogger who lives in the SAME TOWN as your dear Tiggerlane, I have a meme to help me finish this month of assignments! Here are the rules (I love rules):

1. Link to the person who tagged you. (Done!)
2. Post the rules on your blog. (Done!)
3. Write six random things about yourself. (THAT is going to be hard.)
4. Tag six people at the end of your post and link to them. (Easy!)
5. Let each person know they’ve been tagged and leave a comment on their blog. (Okay - six blogs and comments in an hour - I can do it!)
6. Let the tagger know when your entry is up. (Will do!)

And just for fun, here is a RANDOM painting of my dad's:
At first, I thought this would be really difficult, since I have done this meme so many times. Then I remembered: I have many new readers...who don't know my randomness. So, if I repeat something that you already know about me, please forgive me and remember, it's for the love of the newbies, k?

1. I have no idea what day, time or place I was born. No clue. If you are not familiar with this little fact, click this link, go to "Show all posts," and read from the earliest post forward. Or don't, and revel in the mystery.

2. My second toe is longer than my big toe. That's random.

3. I still sleep with a teddy bear (NOT my husband).

4. I actually enjoy public speaking. Doesn't bother me in the least to train or present to crowds numbering in the thousands.

5. I still have one wisdom tooth in my head, needing to come out.

6. Even though I live in the South, I have NEVER gone hunting.

Okay - here are the victims:
Karmyn R at Dreaming What Ifs
Desert Songbird at The Ice Box
M@, b/c he LOVES to be tagged and he is the KING of random.
Bond on the Big Leather Couch


Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Remiss, but Making Amends

Long, long AUGUST, I received an award from one of my favorite bloggers: AOJ & the Lurchers. August. Did you get that? I am waaaay behind. How on earth am I going to get thru the blog-fest that is NaBloPoMo?

At any rate, MANY THANKS to AOJ & the Lurchers for this sweet award:

It originated with another blogger, RDH Mom. Why did I get this award? HA...b/c I "rant real good."

So, I need to prove I am deserving of the award. The topic: Last Minute-itis. The victim: Me.

Those of you with children will totally understand this. Those of you not blessed with the experience of raising a child, feel free to borrow mine for a taste of adventure.

Last Minute-itis means that somehow, I have to write a check for an insane amount of money, right before the teenager leaves the house for school that morning.

Last Minute-itis means I get a text message, asking if the teenager can run around town with another teenager, five minutes before I was supposed to pick said teenager up.

Last Minute-itis causes the teenager to mention that she needs a specific article of clothing, that is NO WHERE TO BE FOUND in our tiny little at 9PM, the NIGHT BEFORE the event requiring the attire.

Last Minute-itis means that the teenager will need help on a complex subject like Geometry, about 30 minutes before bedtime, and after I have consumed a glass and a half of Pinot Grigio.

I know this is an "on demand" society - with all our fancy devices. I know that part of the fault lies with ME...The Enabler. I also am guilty of eye-rolling and the typical parental response such as, "WHY did you wait until the absolute LAST minute to tell me this?" And such response usually results in a prolonged argument that drives the male parental unit insane.

Is there a cure for Last Minute-itis? If so, could you share it with me?

Since I don't have one, I'm taking my only form of revenge: posting a silly photo of the teenager on my blog. For ALL to see. Hehehehe!

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Random on a Dreary Thursday

If you're coming here, expecting the usual coherent post, might as well click away now. I'm sleepy. My thoughts are disjointed after a night of vivid, realistic dreams and a morning that did not include enough coffee. But I MUST get in gear for the insanity of blogging that is NaBloPoMo, which still sounds like something nasty you do to clowns.

First of all, don't you know "Joe the Plumber" was cringing last night? Someone told me his name was mentioned 26 times in the debate. Joe Six Pack's day in the sun is officially over.

Today, if you have never done so, I encourage you to play this game:
Help end world hunger
Warning: it can be addictive. Good news: your addiction will make a difference, and very well may save someone's life.

Grr...I was DVRing "Project Runway" AND "The Daily Show with Jon Stewart" last night. DVR went awry. Boo. Hiss.

Major congratulations to my kiddo for making the SATB All-Region Choir as a FRESHMAN! She is the second alternate for All-State auditions...and I just couldn't be any prouder. Who knew that all those hours I spent listening to her bellow out songs from "The Little Mermaid" would actually pay off someday?

Oh, and her yellow pants are in high demand. Had a friend and his daughter visit last night, so that she could borrow them to wear at today's pep rally.

Last, but not least - a triple thank you to Swampilicious. Not only did she send me a beautiful, Swampy-made card the other day, but she awarded me with this:I know I lot of you bloggers have had this for a while, but not me! Swampy is a special lady - a survivor of breast cancer, and a big advocate for breast cancer awareness. If you have never been to her site, GO NOW.

I am supposed to award this to other bloggers, but Swampy has given it to all of you already, methinks. However, if you don't have it, and want it, GET IT! Put it in your sidebar...but one catch, you MUST VISIT SWAMPY FIRST.

Okay - all my energy is gone. And I must do some work. Remind me not to play drinking games during presidential debates.

Monday, October 06, 2008

Fun Monday Story Challenge

This Fun Monday is hosted by Mommy Wizdom, who had a "wordzle" assignment - we had to use one of three themes, ten words in our story, and optional bonus words. I have highlighted the words we were required to use (and the bonus words I could manage) in yellow.

The theme I chose was "Raising a Teenager," AKA "Why I No Longer Have Time to Blog"

The room of a teenager is a mysterious place, and I am constantly fascinated with what I might find hanging from the doorknobs at any given time. Lanyards, keepsakes, nametags, beads - all manner of items that are "treasures," not to be disturbed by me. I see that a panda backpack has found his home there, looking a bit lethargic - not obviously remembering that he was a MUST HAVE purchase in a Washington D. C. museum gift shop, requiring me to jet across town on the Metro at lightning speed to provide the needed funds. I also remember the bookcase - innocent, white, and so adorable that held her "Goosebumps" books from middle school. Now, all the bookcases in her room are the requisite fashionable color of black, and her reading choices have moved to magazines, strewn across an old-fashioned trunk that was also painted black, to match the overall room decor.
And the room is often filled with a variety of the teenager's friends - corralling them all into participating in a simple activity such as dinner is akin to herding cats. And the dinner itself? Well, sometimes, I have to take a bit of respite in a shot of tequila in order to calm my jangled nerves. Such moments find me offering meal items such as a can of chicken soup, Ramen noodles, or a couple of biscuits leftover from the morning breakfast. I know - I sound like a horrible mother at times. But have you raised a teenager lately? With their wireless devices constantly at the ready, I feel like a prehistoric relic of an age gone by.
When I finally have a moment to myself, I am tired beyond belief. Being able to use the computer at home is a rare privilege, and so checking my comments is a treat indeed. Much less blogging a full post. And what do I sometimes find? That a blogger with an avatar of an ostrich has left me a humorous comment that brings me to tears, reminding me that there are people out there, just like me. Mothers of these beautiful people we call children, even though they can sometimes suck the very life out of us.

And yes, I finished this post shortly before 11PM, when the teenager finally let me on the computer. Now go check out the other participants!

Monday, May 19, 2008

Oh Kila, Forgive Me!

You have no idea what a lousy blogger I have been - just the WORST. That's why I am not even sure I should accept this award from Kila, which she gave me back in APRIL. In blogger time? I have committed a SIN. I know she is too kind and forgiving and nice and not a meanie and saintly to give me hell on the 'net, so I'm wallowing in a self-made crap-bath, riddled with guilt for not acknowledging her gift sooner.

I honestly don't know what has happened with me in the blogging world, but I can see that I'm not alone. She of the Hobo Carts, My Real Friend IRL, and Tweedle Dum and Tweedle Dee are on hiatus. (The Snarky Aussie had a brief fake hiatus, but just did it to scare everyone and get comments for his ego.)

So, major thanks to Kila for giving me this honor...hope I can post it in my sidebar without feeling too much guilt!

I have a REAL excuse for not blogging lately - and that is the fact that my husband is not well. He is having horrible abdominal pains, can't eat, and can imagine the rest. We went to the ER last Friday night, and his bloodwork, CT scan, etc. came back normal. Blood pressure was 198/110, which is NOT good! However, pain can cause that. Four days later, and he's not better. Ultrasound showed no gall stones...but he may have a nonfunctioning gall bladder. We meet with the surgeon today at 1:30. Pray for us...and I will be back to the blogging world as soon as I am able.

Monday, May 12, 2008

Fun Monday Jerkdom

What a great topic for Fun Monday, as given to us by Sauntering Soul! She wanted to know what kinds of things we do that make us JERKS! Well, I have a list - but most of the "jerky" things I do are unintentional.

1. I don't write thank you notes. I know, horrible. All the time, people do things that are special to me, and I think, "Hey, I should send them a thank-you note - right this minute!" And then I don't. The thought counts, right? Nah, I'm a jerk.

2. I drive like a jerk. Well, not the kind you need a cannon mounted on top of your car for, but the kind who does NOT abide slower drivers. Plus, The Offspring and I LOVE MUSIC IN THE CAR. So, those annoying jerks that pull up next to you, bass blasting as they scream along? Yeah, that's us.

3. And to be perfectly honest, I don't clean the cat box. Ever. Never. We have owned a cat of one kind or another since The Offspring was three years old, and I retched horribly the first time I tried to clean the cat box. And refused thereafter to go anywhere near it. So Roger has been the sole cat-box-cleaner, and I have continued to be a jerk in ignoring it. BUT...guess who has had the task these last two weeks? Yeah, I'm a double-jerk, b/c I could care less that Roger has passed the task on to The Offspring. She even has to wear a surgical mask to get thru it. HA! At least it's not me, the JERK!

Now, go visit the Sauntering Soul, and find out what jerks your fellow bloggers are!

Monday, May 05, 2008

Fun Monday Superhero

Kitten was this week's Fun Monday hostess, and she wanted to know who we look up to in our lives...our 'superhero,' of sorts. Only one person popped into my mind, immediately. The Offspring.Now, you may think it's odd that I picked a 14-year old girl, but let me tell you, my daughter has taught me more about life than anyone else in my world. She has taught me the usual things a child can teach you - patience, understanding, love, etc. But more than that, she grounds me. She has the ability to make sense of me, and calls me out when she thinks I'm drifting away from my true self. She is also an incredible inspiration, not only musically, but in the way she lives her life. She knows herself much better than I did at her age, and she continues to teach me what is worth laughing about, what is worth crying over, and what is worth keeping. She is astute beyond her years, and I can't wait until my "formal" Mommy period is over - for the time when we will be the best of friends.

(BTW, the "DECAY" in that photo is something she added for some artistic flair on a myspace account. Just part of her artfulness.)

She continues to grow into the most fabulous young lady I've ever encountered. And I hope she will teach me for the rest of my life.

Now go to Kitten's, and check out all the heroes in bloggers' lives!

Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Are You Twitterpated?

Like I needed ANYTHING ELSE to play with, I discover Twitter. Instant gratification. Instant blogging from my cell phone. Instant addiction.

Perfect for those times that I am at home, and The Offspring is hogging the computer. Perfect for when I am nowhere NEAR a computer. I can do this FROM MY CELL PHONE and it UPDATES ON MY BLOG. Did you get that? CELL PHONE TO BLOG. In one easy step. Look at that sidebar - GENIUS!

I am so enamored with this new capability that if you gave me a choice between a lifetime without chocolate and a lifetime without Twitter? You'd be getting some really PMS-laced Twitter responses.

140 character snippets. Snippets of life. Like anyone cares? Oh, but they do.

I'm twittering, and jittering. As if text messaging didn't keep my hands occupied, now there is Twitter. Yeah, I'm late to the party. Yeah, I'm behind the times. Twitter has been with the world for almost two years - but hey, I'm a Neophyte, remember? I am the late arrival to ANY techno party that isn't playing thumpin' music.

Speaking to a live person, IN person, is the "old way" of communication. Are we all so self-absorbed that this is the new us? Updating everyone, at a moment's notice, with the minute details of our lives? I thought blogging was a bit narcissistic (which is why it is a good medium for me), but Twitter? It goes over the edge and beyond. Now, you can keep up with my latest Twitters in the sidebar. As if you really cared.

Are you twittering? If so, wanna follow?

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Still Finishing a Meme

You know you're a bad blogger when you take over THREE MONTHS to finish ONE MEME. The Lovely Karina tagged me a long time ago to repost five previous posts, and how many do I have done? Even I lost count. Plus, I still haven't commented on all the Fun Monday participants. Am I still allowed to call myself a blogger?

But I'm catching up, and maybe Karina will forgive me. I know some of you may have seen this, but as I have friends on their second tour of Iraq, I felt this was appropriate as a "repost." Originally from December of 2006, here is a "Shout Out to VAW-116."

My inbox is riddled with "forwards," and I often receive the same thing twice within an hour. Every now and again, I get a gem. This is another one from Spence, and it made me smile.

Have you ever REALLY imagined living on an aircraft carrier during a time of war? These guys make it seem easy:

Too funny! I have a friend named Seth in the National Guard, who is back in Iraq for his second tour (PLEASE do not click the link to his name, unless you are not offended by graphic nudity and disgusting things that young men these days think are funny!!! His site is NOT for the weak and/or strongly religious!). The guy in the middle of the video, rapping as others enter the hallway, reminded me of him. Here is another, for your enjoyment:

Truly Americans - wouldn't you say?
Also, check out the profile comments from fellow soldiers on YouTube. They say it all.

Monday, March 24, 2008


Well, The Lovely Swampy is this week's hostess for Fun Monday! She had a GREAT topic, but when I found out she was hosting? There was NO WAY I was playing by the rules! She almost always participates in Fun Monday, but almost NEVER plays by the rules. Still, she is one of my most-favorite bloggers, so in honor of her, I'm shucking the rules, and bring you the holiday tradition of "Peep Torture:"
Also, if you are VERY brave, check out this video instead....but be warned, it is NOT safe for kids! Just look behind the reporter...
Now go see how many rule-abiding participants are out there this Fun Monday!

Monday, February 25, 2008

Fun Monday - and Tigger is BACK!

I am SO glad to be back in time for Fun Monday this week. With all the packing and moving and working, I felt TOO absent from the blogosphere! Mariposa is this week's hostess, and she wants to know "what's in a name and what's on our plates."

As for the name - she is referring to our blog name. I am asked at times WHY I call myself "The Neophyte Blogger." Well, if you had any idea what it took to put together a post like this, by peering over my shoulder, it would be obvious. I have been on the 'net since 1996, but all these cool tricks that other bloggers can do with their sites elude me. I had to get help from Bond to put together the masthead you see above. I am an HTML idiot, literally - and I feel like a total newbie when it comes to blog design, etiquette, linkage, etc. I have tried a gazillion times to work with Photoshop - to no avail. I have to spend so many of my computer hours uploading photos and data to our company's real estate web sites that blogging is a foreign landscape. Even after all this time, I have to ask people like Willowtree how to do simple things like strike-thrus. So now you know - the real story behind the title of my blog!

As for my plate? Nothing is better than this:A big steaming heap of cheese enchildadas...they never get old. Must be the Mexican in me!

Now go check out the other participants! And Happy Fun Monday to ALL! (Photos of us in our new home, as well as responses to your comments, coming this week!)

Sunday, February 03, 2008

It's Fun Monday List Time!

It's Fun Monday! I'm adjusting my Hostess Crown after watching the Super Bowl...but I'm ready for Monday! Here was the assignment this week:

Have you heard of The Bucket List? Well, that's what I want from you! Make a list of things you want to do before you die. It must be at least five items - and you can make it as long as you desire. Photos are optional. And let's hear about some of the wackiest, most bizarre to-do's on your Bucket List!

I actually got this idea from The Offspring. She compiled a list and shared it with me. Some answers shocked me, while others made a mom proud. Her list follows, with MY comments in yellow.

1. Understand the meaning of life, and find out who I am. (Uh, you're MY kid, Sweetie - nothin' you can do about that.)
2. Get married.
3. Make history somehow - at least become famous. (Hopefully not for a crime.)
4. Streak, get a tattoo, and get a lip ring. (Uh...WHAT? Are you trying to give me a heart attack?)
5. Visit Japan, the U.K., Las Vegas, Germany, revisit Chicago, revisit Washington D.C., revisit California. (Can I go?)
6. Write a book.
7. Become devirginized. (You ARE trying to give me a heart attack.)
8. Go to college. (Can you wait to get devirginized until AFTER college?)
9. Make a movie.
10. Own a stripper pole. (Get the paramedics - STAT!)
11. Meet a famous actor.
12. Own a ferret. (Not in MY house, you're not!)
13. Fall down some stairs. (Sheesh - why did I put stairs in the new house?)
14. Join a band.
15. Save someone's life. (You could start by saving mine - and by not throwing yourself down a flight of stairs.)
16. Create a clothing line. (You're thinking about modesty, right?)
17. Model. (Not with that stripper pole, I hope.)
18. Go to a rave. (Do we need to have that "say no to drugs" talk again?)
19. Fork a yard. (Better than toilet paper.)
20. Sneak out. (Uh...can I have the date and time of this event?)
21. See a ghost. (I will be skipping this one, thanks.)
22. Create a new drink.
23. Have one kid. (I hope you're considering that marriage thing FIRST.)
24. Save an animal.
25. Have a party on wheels.
26. Learn German and French.
27. Dye my own hair.
28. Build my own house. (Copycat.)
29. Go hunting. (And you were going to SAVE an animal? I'm confused.)
30. Vote. (Do this a lot, Sweetie.)
31. Skinny dip - again. (YOU ALREADY DID THIS? I'm never going make it to your 18th birthday.)
32. Get involved in a music video. (Go for production - and leave the stripper pole at home.)
33. Sing in a band.
34. Stay up for a week.

I can't cheat, and not follow my own rules - so here is MY very short list:
1. Live long enough to see my grandchildren be born.
2. Pay off most of my debt.
3. Teach my daughter the important things that will carry her thru life, long after I'm gone.
4. Attend at least ONE Super Bowl game.
5. Be in a financial position to create a better life for many other people, around the world.
6. Drag my husband to his first professional football game.
7. Travel to Europe (hopefully WITH my daughter).

Now go visit the long list of participants this week:
1. Swampy
2. Arkansas Songbird
3. Susan at A Slice of Life
4. Deb's Valentine Patch
5. Lil Mouse
6. Kitten
7. Mamalang
8. Straight Up and Slightly Dirty
9. La Vie en Rose
10. From the Planet of Janet
11. Kila, momto3cubs
12. AOJ & The Lurchers
13. Pete, at Holtie's House
14. Ragracers
15. Raising3Saints
16. Summit Musings
17. Three Dog Blog
18. Carrie and the Koehmstedts
19. Myanderings
20. Nikki
21. Eclectic Blog
22. Lady K
23. Ms Cellania
24. Beckie, at Give it a Try
25. Tales of a Southern Doll
26. The Rotten Correspondent
27. Sauntering Soul
28. Robin at Pensieve
29. Lisa's Chaos
30. Karmyn R, at Dreaming What Ifs
31. Jenn, at Simply Not So Simple
32. Wake Up and Smell the Coffee
33. Sallad Says...
34. Rob
35. Alix at DC Days
36. Lisa, The Food Snob
37. -Ann, For the Long Run
38. Candid Karina
39. Fianna
40. Sayre Smiles
41. Junebug
42. Robocop
43. Bermudabluez
44. Pamela
45. Jettie
46. Gattina
47. Ooh, A Shiny Pen, who has volunteered to host next week!
48. Ped Crossing
49. Andre Veloux
50. Welcome to Mi Vida Loca
51. RDH Mom
52. Mama Speak
53. Retrohipster
54. ari_1965
55. Nekked Lizards
56. Return of the White Robin
57. The Prytz Family
58. Hootin' Anni's
59. Karisma
60. Cynthia
61. Swampangel65
62. Robin, My Two Blessings
63. Patience-please
64. Ellen B.
65. Nancypants
66. Lana G.
67. Joy T.
68. Sirdar
69. Jenni, at Prairie Air
70. Schmoop
71. Serina Hope
72. Megnificent
73. Colours of Dawn
74. Min, at Mama Drama
75. Mariposa
76. Tiger Lamb Girl
77. Heaven in Belgium
78. Detroit, at Serving Him
79. dog face girls
80. Tracey

This may be the biggest Fun Monday EVER!

Friday, January 25, 2008

Belated Meme

I really am horrible at meeting any self-imposed meme deadline, but this one was pretty easy. Don't worry, I will still finish my "re-posting" first meme, as well as my other meme...but not tonight.

I LOVED this one, and I was tagged by Mimi Lenox for "The Band Meme." Being a musician and all, I actually was thrilled with the results. Here were the rules:

You are about to have your own band's CD cover. Follow these directions to the letter.

Go to:
The first article title on the page is the name of your band.

The last four words of the very last quote is the title of your album.

The third picture, no matter what it is, will be your album cover.
I'm going to be HOT on the music scene!

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Fun Monday-versary!

Wow - has it already been a YEAR since this Fun Monday thing started? Look what you've done, Vicki! But I have met great bloggers along the way. It is only fitting that the "ideator" of Fun Monday is this week's hostess. Vicki made it easy by allowing us old-timers a break, and helping the newbies see what we were all up to a year ago. All we had to do was link back to that first Fun Monday post, and then repost our VERY FIRST BLOG POST EVER. Piece of cake. Well, actually, two pieces of cake.

Even though I sometimes doubt people like "clicking back" on links, I'll do it this time. HERE is the first Fun Monday post from Tiggerlane. I like it mostly b/c it features two things: our land before we started building our new home, and a sign that Arkansas Songbird gave my husband one Christmas.

And, here is my first post ever, about what else? Football! I have no idea how to make the comments show up, but there were only five that first time.

The title: A Timid Toe Enters the Blog Pool, published January 5, 2006. And I just now realized I totally forgot to celebrate the 2nd anniversary of my blog. Darn.

Okay, so I really don't want the world to know THAT much about me. Especially the 'net world, which seems populated with various sickos (much like my REAL world!) - but this seems as good as any outlet to vent my frustrations about things in general, and even if I'm the only one getting anything out of this, so be it.

Ah - a personal online diary. I can handle this! Maybe my daughter will read it and weep one day. At least I own my own company, so anything nasty I say about my job won't get me fired!

On to the topic of the day: as an Aggie who is extemely loyal to Texas A&M University, it was exciting to watch last night's game. Torn between rooting for a Texas team (having grown up in that lovely football state) and the USC Trojans (having family from So. Cal. and having been born there), I chose to root for USC. But I was tickled to receive this in my email box, and actually thought of getting one: you think the Texas Longhorn fans would do the same for us Ags if WE made it to the Rose Bowl? I'm not sure.

Ags have a great heart, and to be honest, Vince and the boys deserved last night's win, even if they DID have a few plays (lateral-pass-with-one-knee-down) handed to them. Vince has true potential in the NFL - here's hoping he will go this year, and not risk getting injured and miss his chance in the big leagues altogether. Wonder if he and Reggie could both save the Houston Texans?
Now that the big game is behind us, saw varsity's horns off!!

Go celebrate Fun Monday-versary!

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Meme? What Meme?

You know you're a bad blogger when you take over a MONTH to finish ONE MEME. The Lovely Karina tagged me a long time ago to repost five previous posts, and how many do I have done? Two. Plus, I still haven't commented on all the Fun Monday participants, nor have I responded to all your thoughtful comments on my own blog. I suck.

But I'm catching up, and maybe Karina will forgive me. So, at the risk of getting even more google hits for "Urine Therapy" on my blog, I give you the following story, which originally appeared in August 2006, sans photo:

I'm gonna lie. So, now you all have fair warning. I'm gonna tell a lie for the rest of the day, into the evening.

I guess it's been a ton of stress that caused it - and I'm going to share the truth with YOU, the faithful stranger on the 'net - I have a growth. You can forget the photo, 'cuz it's not gonna happen. Basically, I have a THING on my chin - to the left of my bottom lip. What looks like the beginnings of an "innie-zit," know what I mean? Those zits that don't really come up to the surface? But you can feel them there - like the stranger in the dark, lurking around, ready to of THOSE. A non-approachable, non-squeezable, can't-find-the-point-of-release zit.

Only I don't think it's a zit anymore. Usually, a zit won't make your entire chin feel like it's been pumped with Novacaine, or make the lip that is at LEAST an inch above it swell, giving you a lop-sided smile. I HAVE had the occasional throbbing zit, but this thing is like a facial fetus with it's own heartbeat.

I've been told, "It's a boil." I've been told, "It's a cyst." And I live in the South, so I've been told to put every imaginable pultice (poultice?) on the thing, even a remedy including urine that IS NOT MY OWN. Not gonna happen.

The Nurse/Husband/Father of My Child is concerned, but his treatments include lots of antibiotics, epsom salts and hydrogen peroxide. That just gave the "non-zit" lots of little nasty white things on top, but still nothing poppable.

I woke up thinking it would be better this morning, but alas, I have Quasimodo-lip. So I'm gonna lie, b/c I have to stand in front of a college class and teach tonight. Who wants an instructor with a BOIL, or a CYST or even a ZIT???? YUCK!'s a spider bite. Pass it on.

Monday, January 07, 2008

Fun Monday Parasites

Lisa has outdone herself as this week's Fun Monday hostess - check out the special logo for this week! Be sure to stop by her place to check out all the participant's pet photos. She wanted to know what kind of parasitic creatures dwell in our homes, consuming mass quantities of food and requiring frequent vet visits. I hope no one cheated and used something from i can has cheezburger. At least the following photo is REALLY our cat, Whiskas. Don't know if she'll make the site, but at least they let me submit her:

Most of you have seen our dog, Lucky Loo Poo Woo, but I had to share the photo we took of our first Halloween with him. This was when he was about 6 months old, at a time when I was still buying him dog sweaters.Now he prefers to wear ice cream cartons.

Remember when my daughter's boyfriend gave her crabs a while back? She named one of them "Romance" and the other "Sanity." Romance was a bit unhealthy and didn't survive long. For a while there, when people asked about the crabs, I would tell them, "Romance is dead, but Sanity LIVES!" And Sanity is still with us. Of course, I don't call the crab Sanity. Just like Poo Woo, I gave it a new name - "Crabilicious." I have no idea why I call it that - I just do.

One of my agents borrowed my good camera, so this is all I could show for now. Now go check out all the other Fun Monday participants!

Monday, December 31, 2007

Last Fun Monday of 2007!

Fun Monday is back again with host Peter, from Holtie's House, for a year-end, new-year's laugh! He wanted us to share our favorite joke and/or cartoon. Well, I couldn't pick just ONE, so here is a montage of some of my favorite Calvin and Hobbes' cartoons! And if they don't make you at least giggle a bit, you're not a sicko like me.

Happy 2008, to one and all!