Thursday, October 2, 2008

Ok, so I'm starting to get into this again

So this post is probably going to sound whiney... so read this one first, and then the Disneyland one so you end on a good note! :) But I am blogging to basically journal. So I had some bad morning sickness the past 2 months but I am finally starting to get better. It pretty much lasted all day long. I would wake up, have breakfast (usually cereal cuz it sounded ok at the time), then throw that up, and then have to eat again, and again, and agian! I had to eat like every hour. I HATED IT! I got to the point where I hated food! And you all know me... do you think that I would ever say that in my life? I mean really... me... hating food... I never thought it was possible! But HAVING to eat every hour and then throwing up 2 times a day does that to you. At least I wasn't like my sister Lani who would throw up 10 times a day. I would never get out of bed. Anyways. So I would eat every hour, feeling nauseous all day long. Then at about 9:30 I would feel it coming and go throw up again. I had some bad times. What was even worse was that I would eat the same things over and over again! The only thing I would want to do is go out to eat... fast food, sit down, whatever. I just didn't want ANYTHING from my own house! Poor Ryan... he was such a trooper during this time. I think I maybe cooked for him 5-8 times in the past 2 months. I couldn't do more than that because it would make me sick. So I really didn't feel like blogging at all the past 2 months. But... I think I am starting to get back into it. I haven't thrown up for about 4 days (the last time I did I had developed a sore throat so that I couldn't even breathe... so now days if I feel like I need to, I am making myself NOT do it!). And I am constantly taking medication which is helping me not feel nauseous inbetween. I still hate food because I am so tired of eating it every hour and eating the same thing over and over agian. Anybody have new good easy quick recipes I should try for every meal of the day?


Nikki said...

Yikes Tiffany, that really would suck. I had like 2 hours total of my entire pregnancy that I was a little nauseous (some of the times was actually right before I delivered). My doc told me when I was very first pregnant that the usual saltine, soup and herbal teas were good at helping the sick feeling. Try ginger ale too, I hear that does wonders as well. Glad you're feeling better!

Jacque said...

Hey my little nauseous friend. I Hope that you are doing well. I am super excited for you, you will be the cutest mom. Let me know when you come down to California again. Oh yeah have a ton of fun on the cruise, they are the best!!!

Mitzi said...

Yea!! You are pregnant. I can't remember if I ever told you b/c I told Lani so many times...flavored Altoids. Like the tangerine or raspberry ones. Those are a good quick fix. I am glad you are feeling better b/c that would suck to be sick on your cruise. Also, I was thinking about it today and I was 3 months along with Tara when we went on the McBride cruise. I didn't get sea sick so hopefully you wont too.

Julia Davis said...

I had steve start making me smoothies in the morning. And I found that really helped. That and some light toast. I absolutely hated food the first three months but as soon as I turned the corner- Hooray! Food became even more marvelous than before! I hope you are feeling better soon and will start enjoying it once again during the second trimester!

Erin said...

I have a good recipe for you: one cruiseship full of many restaurants, topped with the fact that you can get food at any time of the day or night. Quantity: unlimited. And you didn't have to cook any of it! Fall in love with food again!

The Wilson Pratt Wilson Family said...

Tiffany! Hi, it's your old suite-mate, Emily! You said you wanted our blog link, so here it is:


Jacque said...

tiff, yes we are registered!!! and ready to vote.