Ok everyone, I know that I haven't been the best blogger lately. I have made Ryan do the blogging of late because I have been pretty lazy about it and just frankly didn't want to do it. I did all of the blogging during Jan-April, and so I thought it could be Ryan's turn to do most of them for a few months. But now I really have no excuse because I do have the time now. Well, I do have one excuse for some posts. The posts with pictures usually Ryan has to first upload because he puts the pictures from our camera to our computer. So that hasn't happened yet, so this post will be no pictures... but an update on my great new job!
As some of you know, ie., my family, I have a wonderful job! I got the job in the middle of May this year. And it was really was an answer to prayers and great faith. The day I found out about the job, I had come home from my old job the most depressed that I had ever been. I was sad that my old job wasn't giving me the credit that I was working really hard for, and I felt like all my work was going unnoticed. I went to a cousin's cafe opening, (who is the owner of the Catering business also), and I just happened to ask him if he had anything open, and he said he had an event coordinator position. I was exstatic! I told him right then I would love the job. 2 days later, I had an interview, and I was hired on the spot! I am the Event Coordinator for Brown Brothers Catering! And it's great! I meet with all the clients and finalize the parties and events with them, and then I go to the events. This is my dream job and it is so great to say, "Yep, I'm an event planner... which is what I always said I wanted to do!" Really, I would tell my family that my dream job is to be a wedding planner, and although I am doing more than just weddings, it still is this great dream job! It is wonderful to say that I am doing what I have alyways wanted to do.
I don't have very many late nights. A typical weekend, I usually get home by 8:30 at the latest, but that isn't a problem, because Ryan and I usually stay up late on the weekends, and don't really start our night until about then with our friends. So it really is wonderful. I get to sleep in and I get paid a salary, so I don't need to clock in and out, and I get to make my own hours and stuff for when I want to meet with brides and stuff.
So, that is my new job. I am trying to think of anything else I should say about it, but I really do love it. And I love that I get to spend time with my husband at night without coming home and being exhausted, and I also love that I can go to the gym during the day/morning/or whenever, and I also love that I can go out and lay by my pool for an hour during the day and do work after that. It really is wonderful!