Friday, May 20, 2011

Father and Son Campout

Last weekend was the annual Father and Son Camp out with our church. Jeff got off half day and took the boys early. They were the first ones there and got to pick out their site and get all set up and then play for a couple hours before anyone else showed up. Here are the boys being silly.

The boys got to throw rocks in the water (a favorite pastime).

They also got to hike around the lake.

Here are Zack and Zane ready for bed.

And Zander ready for bed.

Jeff set him down then went to the van to grab a tissue and when he came back two minutes later he found this.

Over night Zander had a coughing fit which made him throw up all over the sleeping bag and his clothes (that was about 2 a.m.). So Jeff had to clean all that up then try to get Zander back to sleep. On the way home Zander fell asleep before they left the parking lot and the other two soon followed.