Showing posts with label fair. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fair. Show all posts

Sunday, 5 February 2012

February already?

I can't believe how time is flying right now. I always find it difficult to blog in January with going to work in the dark and coming home in the dark too. Still its good to see the days are getting just a little bit longer and so I decided to take myself to Newark Antiques fair on Friday to get myself a vintage textile fix together with some of that glorious winter sunshine!

For those who haven't been Newark is the largest antique fair in Europe and it would be easy to spend a whole day there. Unfortunately I had only a couple of hours but I knew what I was looking for so strode past lots of the outdoor stands in search of fabrics. I found a couple of stalls selling old advertising tins and boxes which I always like to see but the tins were expensive. I know that's down to their rarity but then I do seem to be quite lucky in finding them relatively cheaply.

I was looking to find the stall of Liz Von Hasselt - known in blogland as The Washerwoman and veteran of the original Vintage and Handmade Fairs in Chipping Sodbury (not to mention all the other fairs she's invlolved in). I hdan't a clue how I was going to find her stall given the size of Newark but eventually found fabric on a clothes horse beckoning me into a tent.

Over on the table covered in red cloth was all manner of vintage loveliness. Yes it might look like a jumble sale and indeed there was no rhyme or reason to the pricing as far as I could see. The stall holder lives in France and brings his finds over so as you can imagine there were some lovely pieces.
And then behind me I spotted a much nicer display with lots of loveliness!

I'd managed to find the stall I was looking for. Liz had some fabulous fabrics which we spread out and mused over and I took some picture before making my choice.

Imagine my horror on arriving home later to find I had lost the bag with those fabrics in. AAAGGGGH! (Some of you may remember last time I went to Newark I managed to leave an ironing board behind! I get so absorbed I'm in another world)
Another gorgeous stall was Regina Rose who makes treasures from damaged old quilts and extends their life by upcycling them into something new. And now blogger seems to be playing up so I can't upload the pictures of the fabric that did make it home! But I will - along with some of my other recent finds...soon

Hope you are all enjoying the winter scenes and not having too many problems. ..

Love Wend


Sunday, 10 October 2010

Goose Fair

Niobe realised that this time next year she wouldn't be around for the fair so we decided to go along as it was dry and warm on Friday evening. We haven't been for at least 10 years as we aren't keen on the rides. I however love the lights and the buzz.

Fancy a bungee jump?

Or mushy peas - does anyone else know where there's a stall that just sells mushy peas? I think its just a local thing!

I love all the colours of the fair - this was on the side of a carousel horse...

There are dozens of stalls where you can win a stuffed Pickachu (no they haven't moved on!) or any other Disney character.

This is my favourite shot of the evening - such a superior looking chap isn''t he?

I've always wanted to take some aerial shots so was disappointed to see that the Big Wheel had been replaced by an "Eye" with enclosed cars. Still if that was the only way - I'd have to do it! Fortunately there were little windows open so I was able to stick my arm out for these shots and was quite pleased with the results!

As the summer cools and the mornings start to get a little chilly and foggy we locals say "it's Goose Fair weather" - usually the required clothing would include wellies and a hat but not this year.

Although we haven't had the weather you've had in the south it really was pleasant to be outside.

And where does the Goose come into it? Well it doesn't anymore. 700 years of Goose Fairs have changed this annual market of farmers trading their geese into nothing more than a huge money spinning venture. (I admit to offering double pocket money in the past rather than take Niobe and waste a lot of money - just as my father did with me!) (I know - how mean is that?) I was however suprised that there weren't the crowds there used to be. Is that due to the recession or the fact there there is so much choice these days and that people will go on holiday to Disneyland, or have day trips to Alton Towers etc? I have to say that at £4 a ride it would bust most budgets!

Still if you can be determined not to spend too much it's great for a splash of colour and a bit of local life.(Didn't see any coconut shies though or goldfish in plastic bags!)

Hope you've enjoyed your trip to the fair!

Have a good week!


Sunday, 21 March 2010

I had a great day yesterday at the Homemade and Vintage Fair in Northampton (once I'd found my way!)I thought I'd just show you a few pictures taken at the start. Hope I get everyone's name right! I didn't manage to get round all the stalls to pics but these will hopefully give you a flavour...

Debbie from Vintage Wants Not Needs (just a little bit of her stall)

Sharon - the Crafty Trundler

Tracey - of The Vintage Bothy

Lindsay - of Elsie Sparrow (with her decorated bicycle).

and Ann of Vintage at the Corner House.

Once again Ann and Debbie did a marvellous job of organising the whole event and now deserve a well earned rest. Thank you so much ladies! The hall looked great with its decorations and bunting outside. One guy said to me how fantastic it all was - he loved the ambience, the music, and was enjoying the memories jogged by so many things from his childhood. Now I might not be surprised to hear that from fellow bloggers and like minded girls but coming from a man that was great!

This item intrigued me - clearly promoting Bols, you could wind up the underside and shake it and the ballerina then performed in a snowstorm. No idea what its called but Debbie (who remembers these) - if you read this please add a note in the comment box!

These last couple of pictures were taken on the way home when I stopped off in Market Harborough.( I shouldn't have stopped - it took me 3 hours to do a one and a half hour journey - Lost in Leicester!) They are for all those people who admitted to being Marmite lovers in my last but one post! Marmite are seriously into self promotion at the moment!


Hope you've been enjoying the lovely sunshine. Wend has been attacking the wisteria which has been seriously threatening to take over. Wend won. (She thinks!)

Love Wend