Showing posts with label Christmas. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Christmas. Show all posts

Sunday, 25 December 2011

A merry vintage Christmas!

Merry Christmas from a very behind Ticking Stripes!

Please choose your own card

1. Naff decoration made from what was described as "old baking thingy" and vintage film canister

or 2. the festive scene on my latest vintage Christmas tin!

Comfort and joy to all

Love Wend

Sunday, 12 December 2010

Eye candy...

Time to get out the baubles then. I paused when I looked at the boxes which were lovely in their own right...

The one with windows overlaying the holly one is getting quite tatty and I was about to bin it when I notes the decorations around the side - so nicely faded I'm tempted to turn them into gift tags!

Couldn't help but take pictures of my baubles. Why would folk throw them out? As I've collected them over the years people complain that "they have lost their end bits" or are chipped so they are getting rid. I just smile and hand over my pennies (I don't pay much). I can always find "an end bit" (what is that bit called?) from another bauble to swap and give it a new lease of life if that is all that's wrong.

They invariably come with their old means of attaching them to the tree and that always makes me smile too - today I've removed string, wool, thread, twisted paper clips (which is a great idea for the s shape required - try it!) and pipe cleaners!

Just lovely eye candy...

With more than emough for the tree I'm working on different ideas to display them - not sure that this works - may move them into a glass trifle bowl...

After playing about I went to a craft fair and passed a shop selling these baubles.
£40!!! I had to smile smugly to myself and be glad that I am an early riser. All those early get ups to go to the car boot certainly pay off don't they?

I'm a fan of Rob Ryan's work and thought I'd share these things found in John Lewis. If you're short of inspiration see the "Please smell us" vase...

the "Believe in People" mug ...

And the Duo-mugs - (not sure what happens when you break one)carrying the legend
"All of these words are worth less than the breath to say them if we cannot be together". The words do not continue round the mug - they have to stand side by side to read the full message. Sweet!

Have a great week!
