Showing posts with label Editorializing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Editorializing. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 1, 2025

Happy New Year 2025!

 Happy New Year 2025!  

...Or should I, as that famous TV game show goes, phrase it in the form of a question?  

 ...Happy New Year 2025?  

As far as my answer goes... I DUNNO!  

I see some very bad things (or, at the very least, norm-shattering, chaotic things) ahead for 2025 for both our country and the world as a whole! Most of you can probably guess what, as I nonchalantly sidestep the specifics of a topic that is out-of-bounds at this humble Blog.   

Of course, I'm referring to the sudden and unexpected cancelation of THE BATMAN & SCOOBY-DOO MYSTERIES...

...An unfortunate occurrence not to be confused with, or mistaken for, any "real world" events of a political nature - though some of those could stand to be suddenly and unexpectedly canceled too! ...Batman and Scooby, we need your team-ups now, more than ever!  ...There, was that nonchalantly-sidestepping enough for you?  If not, I can try again... Oh, you just want me to move on?  Yeah, I think I should too!  

On the other hand, looking inward (as opposed to the increasingly ominous view "outside", with no more BATMAN & SCOOBY-DOO MYSTERIES to enjoy every month), things are looking very bright - and that's where I will tend to keep my attentions focused!  

Like HERE! 


And the all-great, all-new, all-exciting things comics-wise that are coming in 2025... that, darn it all, I STILL can't talk about!  ...Sorry (at least for now!) 

Happy New Year 2025!  ...For Real!  

Tuesday, November 7, 2023


One week out from Halloween, 2023, I offer the following observations - and hope they aren't as true everywhere, as they our in my little corner of the world. 

Halloween just ain't what it used to be! 

For most Halloweens in the 21st Century, there's been a steady decline, and a trickling to almost nothing, in the number of trick-or-treaters 'round here!  It's been particularly so since 2020 and COVID, when I was forced to put this sign upon my door.  

This year, Esther and I actually wondered if we should even buy (what has now become our customary) ONE BAG of candy!  Recent tradition prevailed, though, and figuring that some of it would eventually go to Averi and Cici, we chose a bag of candies that "their favorite Yeh-Yeh" (that's me) would also not mind eating over time.  

Over the course of the entire day only ONE GROUP of three girls rang the doorbell, to whom were doled-out a small portion of the underutilized candy! That doling being exclusive of Snickers and Twix, the clear choice of  "Averi and Cici's favorite Yeh-Yeh" (that's still me) to be eaten over time.  

Esther said there was another ring that went unanswered because I was upstairs offloading the soggy contents of the washing machine to the clothes dryer and didn't hear it. If so, I feel bad, but my point remains unchanged!  

That being... Kids just don't trick-or-treat anymore.  

I guess it's just another sign of the unpleasant world we now live in!  (And, say... didn't I begin my last post with that exact same sentence?)

The fear, suspicion, and outright distrust that has gripped our society during the period of 9-11 through the more recent near-decade of toxic politics, post-COVID adjustments, and new wars springing up in what we'd finally begun to regard as reasonably "stable" areas of the world (pretty much this whole damned 21st Century) have, if not outright killed this fun tradition, at least sent it into what looks to be a long hibernation!  

Trick-or-treating is well on its way toward becoming as antiquated and insignificant an activity as... oh, say... giving someone a hotfoot - but without the required matches and resultant foot pain!  

The saving grace to this is that it looks to be ONLY trick-or-treating that is receding into life's great rearview mirror - NOT Halloween itself, which continues to be celebrated in the form of parties, both in schools and private homes, where children can wear their costumes and get candy from persons they know and trust.  ...That MAY actually be a good thing!  

Spooky decorations still abound in our community, though I am personally loathe to decorate the outside of my house for any season or occasion - the work (only to be undone so soon that it's not worth it) and an aversion  to any outdoor efforts in the late fall and winter months are prime factors.  

Still I enjoy and am happy for the (oft-overdone, but nice) decor of others.  Alas, such houses vastly outnumber the actual trick-or-treaters visiting them. 

Averi and Cici, who live in a town just south of us, did have a great time trick-or-treating - and, by accounts, there seemed to be an overall higher level of activity but contained to a very small and specific area.  

No, that's not THEIR house behind them!

Nor is that one - but no lack of creativity here! That's for sure!  

Though, while far from finished, I can't help but wonder if  trick-or-treating isn't something a number of today's kids do simply because they see it on TV!  ...More than they do in real-life! 

Do whatever you can to change my mind, folks!  Our great friend Elaine usually has some more optimistic Halloween stories... hope that's still true!  And the rest of you, please give... but just not candy, I have more than enough of that!  


Wednesday, June 14, 2023

Cynical Blog Post: Shut Up, Shaggy!

I've been feeling a bit more cynical about Blogging these days, and it's time I showed some of it by presenting the cover of THE BATMAN & SCOOBY-DOO MYSTERIES #9 (DC Comics, 2022 Series - Cover Date: August, 2023 - On Sale Date: June 13, 2023)... 

... and telling Shaggy to SHUT UP!  

The idea of a "Scoob-Signal" is actually a great one, and is nicely rendered by artist Scott Jeralds... but Shaggy's line adds NOTHING to it!  

Yeah, we know that Shaggy is a Master of Bad Jokes (a title that has been bestowed upon me as various times as well), but most of his "Bad Jokes" are good!  This cover, however, would have been much better by letting the visual of the "Scoob-Signal" BE the gag, rather than the set-up for one!  

I'm not even sure that it's really called the "Scoob-Signal", as I've just come home with the issue, and have not read it yet!  But, "Scoob-Signal" seems as good a name as any! 

I'm betting that the story therein, is a goody - as all issues of the series have been, to one extent or another - but Shaggy's needless and unfunny line dims even the otherwise blinding brilliant light of the "Scoob-Signal"!  

Okay commenters, if you're still out there... tell me why I shouldn't be cynical over this - if you dare!  ...Or if maybe I should become more so?  

The comedy stylings of Shaggy, in better days! 

ADDED: June, 17, 2023: The SILENT VERSION!

Thursday, July 14, 2022

Adventures in Comic-Boxing: Never Bring a Pickax to a Gunfight...Unless...

The cover of GHOSTS #59 (DC Comics, Cover Date: December, 1977) would seem to bear out the old (shot-in-the) "chest"-nut that says "Never Bring a Knife (or a Pickax) to a Gunfight!"

UNLESS it's a pickax of the "Legendary Super" variety.  

...Then again... 

...Maybe it's just better to wait for a GHOST to come along and save you!

And the MORE GHOSTS, the merrier! 

Monday, July 5, 2021

Adventures in Comic-Boxing: "Heee-re He Comes to Save... eBay?"

So, I was just lookin' for some MIGHTY MOUSE comics on eBay, ya know... an' I get this e-mail from eBay, and was almost as surprised as this cat...

...But considerably more amused than he!

[Click to Enlarge]

Yes, it's the "Apple Mighty Mouse"!  

...Sent to me (as the e-mail says) "Because [I] searched mighty mouse"!  

I shudder to think what I'd get if I searched for Yakky Doodle's regular nemesis, FIBBER FOX!  

Um... THIS, maybe?  

 Sorry, the pun-potential was too irresistible!  

Let's just get back to Mighty Mouse and Apples, okay?  

Yeah, that's better!  ...Much better!  

Unless you're that poor apple tree that now has a broken back!  

I'll bet it's wishing that it was one of those squash and stretch animation bendable trees about now!  

At this point, I've come to the conclusion that, try as I might, there's really no good way to artfully get out of this post, so let's just close on a picture of my favorite brand of turkey cold cuts and call it a day, eh?  

Mmmm... turkey cold cuts... Ahhhh. 

Wednesday, February 10, 2021

Adventures in Comic-Boxing: Quick, Robin, the Legendary Super Bat-Sledgehammer!

Wanna combat an adversary wielding a "Legendary Super-Pickax"?  ( infamously described within this long post, for anyone who might not know what I'm referring to!)

...Or ANY ol' pickax, for that matter?  

Just follow the example of the Caped Crusader, as seen in BATMAN #269 (DC Comics, Cover Date: November, 1975)...

...And reach for a "Legendary Super Bat-Sledgehammer"! 

If you didn't pack one in your utility belt, and your sidekick's not around to get it from the car, you can always just BORROW one from an obliging assailant! 

Okay... Not exactly an authorized "Legendary Super Bat-Sledgehammer" - but, in Batman's hands, almost ANYTHING becomes "Legendary and Super"! 

Dig those cah-raaazy sound effects, Man!    KRONNGG  (...and, strangest of all) TUCK (?) 

I guess, by the mid-seventies the old Bat-standards POW!, BAM!, BIFF!, and CRAACK! had become passé.  I can kinda "hear" KRONNGG but what, exactly, does TUCK sound like, anyway?  

By knocking him out, is Batman TUCKing the bad guy into bed for a long night's sleep?  

And, if he were do this repeatedly, for a long period of time, would even Batman get... TUCKered-out? 

Ah, I've got it... A limerick!  

A sledgehammer blow went TUCK! It...
left its recipient to say, "Oh..". 

Instead, I'll just kinda-sorta gracefully exit, leaving you with this thought...

At least the "Legendary Super Pickax" weaponized against Batman... 



...KRONNGG and  TUCK made for BETTER DIALOGUE, too! 

Even BATMAN "feels our pain" over this!  

Monday, January 25, 2021

R.I.P. Larry King - and Something Even Bigger!

We, along with a very large segment of America, are saddened by the loss of radio and television talk legend Larry King on January 23, 2021, at the age of 87. 

Instantly recognizable, and known for his 25-year prime time talk show run on CNN, Larry King was an "oasis" of sorts, especially in his final years, a time when such television was becoming increasingly partisan, tightly targeting demographic groups of one political persuasion or another.  

Or, to put it another way, Larry King was one of the last "general-interest" talk show hosts.  

It's hard to believe there was once a time when talk shows, particularly those on radio, were not politically charged, but it was true.  By and large they could be described as "general-interest", insofar as they either featured a different topic (or guests) every day, or the host just fielded phone calls on whatever subject might have been on the audience's mind!  

We had several great ones here in New York, during the period of the late 1960s into the early-to-mid 1970s, such as Barry Farber, Barry Gray, Long John Nebel... and my personal favorite Brad Crandall.  

To quickly digress on Brad Crandall, he had a second career as an off-camera announcer/narrator... and could be heard narrating the "80s' era syndication TV promos" for LOST IN SPACE, that are found as extras on this Blu-ray set!  ...Sorry, but when will I EVER AGAIN have the opportunity to reference Lost in Space AND Brad Crandall in the same sentence!  Indulge me, please! Thank you. 

Like most human beings, those hosts had their political points of view, but they were not uppermost and on full and constant display, instead largely subsumed in the interests of delivering a good and interesting show to all.  Being local to NYC, I expect they had their counterparts in every major media market.  

But I might have been "ahead of the curve" on Larry King, if you know him primarily for his work on CNN, because Larry King took the "general-interest" talk show concept to another level.  ...Or, at least it was "another level" to me in the later 1970s.  His overnight talk show was syndicated across the nation!  So, Mr. King was no stranger to me, once I learned of his TV talk show.  

Larry King talked to anyone and everyone, about anything and everything!  This was quite welcome in that, as the 1970s progressed into the 1980s, "general-interest" talk shows seemed to die-off in favor of more narrowly-focused, single-topic shows on finance, health-and-well-being, sports, pets, plants, automotive matters, unendorsed pseudo legal advice... and politics!  

While I found none of these particularly interesting as an "exclusive topic" (save maybe sports, depending on the season), it was that last one that well and truly killed talk radio for me, especially as it evolved into such a mean-spirited affair that was beyond my tolerance!   

Cable television and its newer and differing outlets, alas, followed that politically partisan path, and continues to operate as such to this day - with no sign of ever relenting, instead preferring to feed the differently-affiliated beasts on "our side of the screen"!  

And that's why Larry King was so important!  

He was one of the last holdouts from this madness - and his network showcased his efforts in the "prime-est of prime time slots", weekdays at 9 PM Eastern!  Such a programming decision would be inconceivable today!  

But, there was Larry King... suspenders, simple-graphic-designed backdrop, and all, chatting away with a variety of folks that (of course) included, but also transcended, politics!  And in a tiffany-timeslot that virtually all of pre-DVR America could join him! 

He will be missed not only as a unique and sometimes quirky talk show personality - but also that, when his show finally ceased, it was the end of an era (dare I say, "an era of decency and civility"?) for TV's incessantly talking heads!  

Thank you, Mr. Larry King... for all of this and so much more!    

Friday, January 22, 2021

R.I.P. Hank Aaron - the REAL Home Run King!

At TIAH Blog, we mourn the passing of Milwaukee and Atlanta Braves baseball legend Henry (Hank) Aaron, who passed away at the age of 86.  

Hank Aaron was already a superstar when I began watching baseball in 1967 (when the terms "superstar" and "legend" were not thrown around with the casual abandon they are today), but will be forever remembered for the day in 1974 when he hit home run #715 - passing Babe Ruth's lifetime total of 714. 

For insane and unfathomable reasons of racism, many people were unhappy on that day, April 08, 1974.  I will confess to being "unhappy" too... but merely because the home run record no longer belonged to a New York Yankee (Ruth).  

But, if the record could not belong to a New York Yankee, it couldn't have belonged to a finer man!  

Over his long career, he faced all sorts of adversities with dignity and class - and, in view of an almost endless tide of threats and hate, with extreme bravery!  

Aaron went on to hit 755 home runs before he was done!  

If I was "unhappy" on the day Hank Aaron achieved the home run record, I was all the more so on the day his record was eclipsed by someone who cheated by ("allegedly") using a baseball-illegal enhancer that Hank Aaron never had - or NEVER NEEDED!  

To me, and to many other baseball fans, Hank Aaron is still the LEGITIMATE home run champion - and the REAL Home Run King!  

Thank you, Mr. Henry Aaron, for all the great moments I was able to witness and/or read about, and for being such a fine and exemplary human being.