The 2020 election may be over - or may not be, depending on who you believe - but ya know what's NOT OVER?
HALLOWEEN 2020 - because (...all together now) Halloween 2020 isn't over until I say it is!
And we've still got some scary stuff to cover! For all the recent posts concerning BORIS KARLOFF TALES OF MYSTERY...
...Perhaps the SCARIEST thing to come out of our beloved Gold Key Comics was THIS... and, thanks to our great friend Achille Talon, it now has its own Wiki entry, on his "Scrooge McDuck Wiki" - which you can access HERE! Excluding some of the original (non-European) Boom! Studios material and (at least "translation and dialogue-wise") post 2018 IDW comics, this is The Single Worst Example of a Disney Comic Book Story in terms of the "Triple Crown" of story, art, and lettering! ...In my NOT-so-humble opinion, that is! I felt that way upon first reading it in the Summer of 1969, and I still feel so today!
In 2011, I left a long comment on GeoX's "Duck Comics Revue" Blog detailing why. It's about time I ported those thoughts over to my own Blog, and here they are (slightly modified for their "new context" here):
Taking half a second to analyze WHY I have held this one in such infamy for so long, you have to consider the STEEP AND SUDDEN DECLINE the DONALD DUCK title had undergone to get to this point.
Three years or so prior, it was drawn exclusively by Tony Strobl, its stories were a mix of contributions by Vic Lockman (when he was quite good - think "Og's Iron Bed" 1966), Carl Fallberg, Bob Gregory, Bob Ogle, and probably others.
Donald Duck #109 (1966)
Beginning with the first issue released in 1967 (#112 below), the title adopted a rigid format of a 14-page lead adventure story, the annoyingly juvenile (even for a KIDS' comic) "Gold Key Comics Club" for the four-pages of the centerfold, a four-page GOOFY guest story, the text story page (required by postal regulations), a seven-page Donald back-up (...of which "Bird-Bothered Hero" was one), and the two final pages were also devoted to the "Gold Key Comics Club". And, no... my view of the "Gold Key Comics Club" is not that of a jaded "adult fanboy". I despised that unwelcome intrusion into my favorite line of comics, supplanting SIX PAGES of comics material in every issue, from the day I first saw it as a young reader.  |
Donald Duck #112 (1967)
Then again, that issue DID introduce Moby Duck, a fairly entertaining character (when handled correctly), who was viable for years, so it was still pretty good despite the unpleasant changes in format. Here's the GCD Link, which I had a hand in writing. The period of 1967-1968 consisted pretty much of issue like these - Lockman and Strobl working in the abovementioned format, changed up by an occasional gem like Barks' "Pawns of the Loup Garou" (DONALD DUCK # 117), originally drawn by Strobl from Barks' pencil layouts. While overall not as good as the pre-1967 issues, they were still fine, with some true standouts.  |
Donald Duck # 117 (Purchased Thanksgiving Weekend, 1967)
The first issue released in 1969 (#124) changed everything! Same format, but the two Donald stories were drawn by Kay Wright, who would alternate on-and-off with Strobl into the early 1970s.  |
Donald Duck #124 (1969)
The Kay Wright stories in that issue were reasonably entertaining (especially the seven-page backup - a story in the Barks "Brittle Mastery" mode), somewhat mitigating the jarring change in art, and the Goofy filler was uncharacteristically drawn by classic Mickey Mouse and Goofy artist Paul Murry. giving the issue some needed familiarity.
An example of Kay Wright's from Donald Duck #128 (1969, above), to contrast with Tony Strobl's from Donald Duck #109 (1966, below).
As with 1967-1968, the "first-half" 1969 issues were still "okay to pretty good", and we had the Carl Barks written (with his layouts, and again drawn by Tony Strobl) "Officer for a Day" with a fully penciled and inked Barks cover in #126.
Donald Duck #126 (1969)
Then comes #127 with a "generously-granted-kinda-okay" Lockman/Strobl 14-page lead, that telegraphed its ending miles in advance......but still eked its way into the plus column with an unusual appearance by Goofy in a Donald Duck adventure lead.  |
Donald Duck # 127 (1969)
Closing that book was "Bird-Bothered Hero", a story that might have had a shot at being at least "good" if the stars and planets properly aligned, and the creative gods were feeling charitable, but failed in every conceivable way. After all, Donald swallowing a sort of "super bird-whistle", could open the door to a virtual universe of comedic potential... but noooo! As for awful art and uncomfortably large lettering, we'll let these illustrations speak for themselves...
To be fair regarding the lettering, it was one of the earliest lettering jobs by Bill Spicer, who would definitely improve as he went on! Still, it's just "too big" and not attractive! For a look at how these stories were lettered at their best, check the work of a sadly uncredited letterer by the name of Rome Siemon (below), and compare it with the oversized ugliness above.
From Donald Duck #111. This is the "Sample Illustration" I used for Rome Siemon's entry at GCD!The way I have always described this good letterer's work was to say that he was the one who lettered Paul Murry's stories, when Murry didn't do it himself.
Below: Rome Siemon's lettering ("Blackbeard") and Paul Murry's.
And the STORY! Aw, c'mon! Of ALL the humorous possibilities to be had by swallowing a souped-up bird-whistle... THIS is where they went? Falling from the sky onto the deck of a spy boat in the midst of some unconvincing fog?
In his Blog entry, GeoX pondered what William Van Horn might do with such a wacky situation. We'll never know, because he wouldn't burst on to the Duck-scene for almost another 20 years. But, considering it in a more '60s media context, I wondered how the great Michael Maltese would have handled this in an "Augie Doggie" cartoon - with poor ol' Doggie Daddy swallowing the whistle.
But, nope... falling from the sky onto the deck of a spy boat! Yeah, THAT was the way to go!
Yes, I'm repeating the above panel sequence for the THIRD TIME in this post because the spy boat emerging from the fog as Donald huffs-and-puffs, calling down what should have been a Hitchcockian flock of seagulls to crash the boat, SHOULD have been a memorable one!
Instead we got THIS...
...The SINGLE WORST sequence of panel art in a Disney comic book up to that point - and well beyond!
Yeah, now it's FOUR TIMES! I've been known to "beat a dead horse" or two (metaphorically, of course) when the situation demands it!
So, combine bad story, bad art, bad lettering... and an incomprehensible decline in quality from the previous year, and you have my recipe for "The Worst Disney Comic Ever"!
I daresay something even scarier than even Boris Karloff could come up with...
...because (...all together now) Halloween 2020 isn't over until I say it is! Right, Unca Boris?
How 'bout you, Unca Donald?