Showing posts with label moving the goalposts. Show all posts
Showing posts with label moving the goalposts. Show all posts

Saturday, 21 September 2024

Sound Like They Are Desperate For Alternative Benefits

Thousands of children switched to walking or cycling to school following the introduction of controversial Ultra-Low Emission Zones (ULEZ) in London, reveals new research.
Four in 10 youngsters in central London who previously went to school by car switched to more active modes of travel following the introduction of ULEZ, according to the findings.
In Luton, Bedfordshire, where there were no ULEZ, just two in 10 children made the switch during the same period.
Well, I'm sure that's an added benefit, but it wasn't the goal of the ULEZ, was it? The goal was to give us cleaner air. And it's failed

So just as climate change nutters are trying to move the goalposts, as Tim Worstall pointed out last week, so too, it seems are ULEZ fans desperate to find another benefit of their wretched scheme.