Showing posts with label Autumn in New England. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Autumn in New England. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Autumn in New England

The weather up here recently has been (imo) PERFECT! About 70 and sunny. Right now our trees are at their peek color-wise. It makes the very rainy summer we had all seem worth it. (easy to say now! lol!) I can't ever imagine moving away from New England. And at this time of the year I feel especially "lucky" to live here.

Here are some pictures from Sunday. Several are from apple picking and the foliage pictures were taken on our ride home. We live in a semi-rural/suburban area. I love living "way out here". :) We live in Northern Massachusetts, right on the border of New Hampshire.

***You can click on any picture to see it larger***

This first picture ( above right) was taken down the street from our house.

Some beautiful color in the Apple Orchard! (above)

Below is Orla reaching for a juicy Apple!

Declan picking his one apple with a watchful eye from Nana/my mom. (above)

Maeve gets to pick the low ones. (above)
But she is more interested in taste testing! (below)

Some more pretty colors in the orchard...with my most willing subject! (above)

The rest were taken on the way home.

Have a delightful day!!
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