Showing posts with label rainbow rice. Show all posts
Showing posts with label rainbow rice. Show all posts

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Find It!

How to make Find It bottles

You will need:

Empty plastic see through bottles (Like water or juice bottles)

A hot glue gun

Rainbow rice (see how here)

A funnel

little trinkets that will fit in the top of the bottle

A camera

How to make it:

1/. Take photos of all your trinkets! I usually do a few in each picture but you could do them each separate if you want.

2/. Place the trinkets in the bottle.

3/. Pour rainbow rice using a funnel into the bottle until at least 3/4 full

4/. Hot glue the cap on the bottle.

5/. Shake the bottle so the rice covers everything.

6/.Print off photos and make a little book so the kids know what they're looking for. If you have older kids, you could just print off a checklist. I laminate mine so they will last longer.

I'd love to see some pictures of some I-spy bottle's you've made!

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Fall is here!

Fall sensory tub

I've been seeing sensory tubs for quite a while on lots of blogs but have never made one myself. Due to the fact that they looks like HEAPS of fun, I decided to make one. Check here and here to see where I got my inspiration.

I just know Channing is going to LOVE playing in it. Here is a close up of some of the goodies inside.

1/. Autumn colored rice (brown, purple, orange, yellow and burgundy).

2/. Pinecones which I found at Target for $1.

3/. Little glass pumpkins that I found at Michaels.

4/. Two tall scarecrows that I couldn't resist (also from Michaels).

5/. Little wooden ssquirrels and scarecrows that were already painted. I found these for 29 cents each at Michaels.

6/. Orange sparkly pom poms found at Jo-Ann's for $1

7/. A little toy squirrel

8/. Two fabric acorns

9/. Two little pumpkin jars that I found at target (they came in a pack of 6 for $1).

10/. Fall leaves

11/. Scoops and things Channing can pour with.

I can't wait to see his face tomorrow when he sees it. I want to play too!