Happy 10th Birthday Mikey!
Happy 10th Birthday Mr. Michael, Sorry I missed your 9th birthday post. Someday I'll tell you it was because of COVID and you will roll your eyes and remember the days of COVID. You've grown up a lot this last year. You spent a good portion of this year and last "social distancing" and quarantined. It's crazy to think that when you turned 8 you had no idea what quarantine was, but now you not only understand, but you've been quarantined 4 times (at least, I've lost count). But you survived! Of the three of you, COVID was the hardest on you. You are a social butterfly and COVID shut that down. You were stuck at home with Zach and Grace and nanny that you disliked every day. You made the best of it, but you were thrilled when you found out that school would be starting again in August. Now that we've made it through an entire school year, you seem much happier. You love activities, boy do you! You love baseball, basketball, and swim team. I don'