Happy 5th Birthday Zach Attack!
Dear Zach or Sassafrass as I prefer to call you, This has been a challenging year. I know I said it last year too, but man you are a HANDFUL! I am amazed how every day you turn the smallest thing into a fight. No really, you have a fighter's spirit my sweet son. If there is something you are passionate about (and there are a LOT OF THINGS) then you are willing to fight tooth and nail for it. This can be as simple as fighting with your brother over a lego arm (I wish I was kidding) or fighting with a big kid you think has somehow endangered Grace. I hope that you are able to put this energy to good use some day. I could see you fighting to end childhood asthma, bring running water to underserved communities, or fight political injustice around the globe. Please channel this energy for good- you can do amazing things! You love Grace. You claim to dislike Michael, but I think deep down you're just annoyed he thinks he's too cool for you. But Ace, you love her. You rush