
Showing posts from June, 2017

The Terrible Ones?!

Are the terrible ones a thing? I think the terrible ones must be a thing. This wasn't an issue the boys really had, but Grace... oh my heavens! This girl is normally sweet and happy, but the last two weeks she has turned into a screaming MONSTER. I think she must be teething, actually I'm 99% sure it's teething, today she alternated between shoving her hands in her mouth and screaming. Poor baby... and can I be honest? Poor family! Even the boys are starting to get frustrated with her screaming. She's been going to bed SUPER early because she just cannot be happy. Funny enough she goes to bed and screams for a few minutes and then just sings and chats to herself while cuddling her blanket, I'm pretty sure that she  feels crummy and wants some alone time. Poor little Gracie, I hope she feels better soon.  Sweet grumpy baby, she can crawl up into my lap now.   She loves to be right there with me in the kitchen.  She can climb the slide on her own now! Sh

Tantrums, Lollipops, and the Worst Mother Ever

Zach had an EPIC tantrum at the store today. He pulled out all his best tricks, he was screaming at the top of his lungs, hitting me, attempting to run away, and telling the cashier I was the “worst mom ever!!!!!”. It was a thing of beauty, one of the those tantrums made for the movies, or at least for YouTube. It was so bad that Michael told me “Mom he’s bothering the other people make him stop!” Funny the he would notice a tantrum could be disruptive to other shoppers… Our morning started off ok, some people woke up a bit too early, there was some fighting over a stupid toy, and then there were some issues going potty and finding our shoes. But we eventually loaded up in the sweet minivan and were on our way. The boys are at camp this week, but I thought since we were ready about an hour before camp drop-off that instead of sitting around at home fighting we should go do our errands on the way, in retrospect this was a terrible plan. So we pull into the Sprouts parking lot (it is

Mr. Michael Update

What can I say about this cute kid, oh wait he isn't cute anymore, he's handsome.  Michael is a giant, we wear the same socks, he is constantly trying to steal my flip flops because they "almost" fit.  He loves science and art. He loves to color, even if it means coloring the same picture over and over. he is starting to branch out and create his own pictures. His imagination is awesome, I need to photograph some of his pictures. He designed the back of the shirt himself, he was pretty stoked.  He can read! It is so excited, way to go smart kid (and awesome teacher). He doesn't like to read yet, so that is something we are working on. He loves to be read to, and I think he likes to read to his siblings, so I think it will come with time. He got all E's in Riggs (what his school called reading/language arts) this past year, and an award for his hard work. He also got an award for history, he was super excited since he was one of two kindergartner

A Zachy Update

Zach likes to refer to himself as "Zachy Pooker". He is a funny kid. Zach has had a bit of rough time lately. He misses school, his friends, being in charge, being the biggest kid at home, and having some time to himself. He's adjusting ok to having Michael home, but I think a part of him really wants September to be here quick!  Zach is hilarious and independent, he also HATES having his photo taken, so yeah.  He loves the "You're Welcome" song from Moana, and if you pretend not to listen he can sing the entire thing.  He still loves PupPup.  He keeps his room "vacuum ready", which means there is nothing on the floor. He gets really ticked when his brother ruins that.  He's trying to skip naps, but sometimes he's just too tired to continue. We've been at the pool or the park more than once and he plops down and says "mom I need to nap!" He can't decide if Grace is the "best girl ever!" o