
Showing posts from October, 2014

What we did to make up for the pumpkin patch fail

We heard there was a miniature railroad near our house so we decided to go and check it out. It turns out the miniature railroad is AWESOME. They have a tiny station where you buy tickets and a little park to play in while you wait. I thought the ride would be cheesy- like a mall train. Mikey really wanted to ride the ridiculous mall train the other day... and I refused... and he screamed. This one runs on a real track outside. It takes you around the county park, around the tiny pond, soccer fields, and through the woods- takes about 15 minutes, perfect for the price and the audience.  Here we are walking up, I wish you could see his face, he was thrilled to ride Thomas.   Heading to the station, almost there! Michael talked to the station master and purchased our tickets.  He got the tickets.   Don't you love how the station master was dressed up to play the part.  Checking out the train  He was excited to see the engine  He

An 80 mile trip to the pumpkin patch... 3 minutes from our house

We decided we wanted to take our boys to a super fun pumpkin patch the other day. We had originally planned to drive up to Dallas and go to the Arboretum pumpkin village before our passes expired but then decided that might not actually be as much fun as we thought. So we found a pumpkin patch here in the Austin area. It was about 40 miles from our house in the country, we looked up the hours, the prices, and directions and headed out. Brian even got off work early so we could go. So we start driving and 20 minutes in Michael starts to get anxious, by the time we get there he is really really excited and then... we found out that they are closed on Wednesdays... and it was Wednesday. So that was a fail. There was quite a bit of screaming, and honestly I don't blame him, so we had to regroup. We stopped at McDonalds (when in doubt order fake chicken) got as many chicken nuggets as Michael wanted and a shake and headed to Toys'R'Us to look at bikes. After  Toys'R'Us