
Showing posts from September, 2013

Washington DC Day 2

Ok so day 2 of our trip we headed to Washington DC and the National Mall. We had high hopes of seeing the mall and two museums that day... luckily we got over that and just saw the Mall.  We started at the Washington Monument (though these pictures dont) and headed down towards the Lincoln Memorial. Michael walked the whole way and we used the safety backpack, which made life 1000 times better.   One of our favorites was the WW2 memorial. A few (ok maybe 10) years ago my dad and Em and I went to DC the weekend the WW2 memorial opened.  Mikey got tired because well he was walking and it was hot, though not too hot.  See that fat lip, sad.  Jefferson Memorial behind us. What a pretty setting, pretend the picture was good.  This is how our trip went. It was great for Mikey and great for us.  See Mikey loved the WW2 memorial. He would have liked it better if we had let him get it, but this time there were signs saying please respect the fountain an

Washington DC Trip Day 1

We have traveled a good bit these past few weeks, and one of the places we went was to my brother's wedding in Maryland.  Before we went I made favors for the wedding. Cant say they were the cutest or world's best but given that I am 6 or so months pregnant and spent the weekend before when I planned to finish them in the hospital we are going with yay they were done. We had to find a way to transport them to Maryland, Brian checked a box with them and put the rest in his bag... delightful.   Michael and I flew out the day before by ourselfs. We spent some time playing in the playground in terminal C before take off.  Michael was excited to go on Jeremy the Jet Plane. This kid has flown way way too much. Hopefully he doesnt get on an airplane for a bit. I know people are always nervous when they see a kid get on the plane, but I want to tell them, dont worry he flys more than you do! Anyway he was excited.  We went out to breakfast at a place called the "Silv

Security Objects

Poppy Pillow on an airplane ride to Utah, Sept. 2013  When Michael was a little bit younger, about 8 or 9 months I really wanted him to have a security object. I thought this might help when we ended nursing and I thought it might ease his anxiety at bedtime. We tried a few things, my mom got him a glowworm that he did really like for a little bit, and we got him a stuffed dog, and while he thought both were fun he didn’t really develop an attachment to either one. Then last Christmas my dad got him… a Poppy Pillow. My dad loves orange, well maybe loves isn’t the right word, but he prefers it more than the average person, and he found this Pillow Pet that was… well glowing orange, it was so bright that when you sit next to it the color reflects off your face (I wish I was kidding). And he wanted to get it for Mikey. When we went to California for Christmas he made a big deal about taking Mikey to the store to pick it out, and from then on we had our security object. The glowing pil