
Oliver at 2 months

Ollie is 2 months old! Ok he's actually a little bit more than 2 months old, but because of the holidays his 2 month appointment was pushed back.  Oliver Andrew Weight: 13.3lbs (50th percentile) Height: 25 inches (98th percentile) Head Circumference 16.1" (90th percentile) I thought for sure Oliver was going to be the heaviest of the kids, nope, not even a little! He was only bigger than Mikey, Grace retains her status as the biggest one at 2 months.  Grace , Zach , Michael Oliver has smiling down! He's starting to laugh and coo. He loves it when we talk to him like a big person.  He loves to be with his older siblings, FOMO is real. He basically just wants to be one of the other kids. He thinks it is great fun when they all get in his face and are super loud.  He still won't nap alone, not quite sure how to fix this, but he does great alone in his bed at night. He's the first kid that really likes to sleep in total darkness. The other kids didn't care, but he

Oliver at 1 month

 More information on Oliver's first month of life has been recorded on Instagram, but here is a quick run down.  Oliver does not think he should be put down... ever. He cries and cries when we put him down, so as a consequence he is held most of the time (at the point of this writing, Oliver is 10 weeks old and he continues to feel the same way).  Ollie has a ton of hair which is darling, we thought it might fall out but it hasn't.  Ollie is a LOT lighter than his siblings. The ends of his hair are blonde (which is insane), and his eyes appear to be changing to blue! (at the time of this writing, Oliver is 10 weeks old and has navy blue eyes). His skin is really pale in comparison. We also found out Ollie has O- blood, the other kids have O+, we are waiting to see if he's a lefty! Oliver is the first child that was formula fed and it was a HARD first month. It turns out that Oliver has some issues tolerating milk proteins so the first formulas we used caused him to have con