Showing posts with label A Class*y Collaboration. Show all posts
Showing posts with label A Class*y Collaboration. Show all posts

Sunday, May 11, 2014

A Class*y Collaboration Blog Hop

I'm very happy to be participating in the Class*y Collaboration Blog Hop with my fellow Class*y bloggers.

Thanks to Sidney from Teaching is a Gift for sending everyone over to me!

My freebie is a sample of my newest set of Sunshine Notes...perfect for the warm summer weather and just added to my TPT store!

What better way to send home some sunshine to end off the year?

Included in this freebie are:

- 4 Sunshine Notes with encouraging praise for your students

If you head on over to my TPT store you'll find the full set of Summer Sunshine Note with 24 cards. Each card has room to write your own personalized note as well and a cute summer graphic and a note of praise.
Also included in this set are 8 blank cards to use anyway you want to.

Click on any of the pictures to grab your freebie.

Don't forget to enter the Rafflecopter giveaway below...we've got some great prizes!!

Friday, April 25, 2014

Spreading a little sunshine...and a freebie.

I'm blogging over at A Class*y Collaboration today and my post is all about my newest TPT product!

Here are some sneak peeks to tempt you to visit me over at A Class*y Collaboration.

There's also a link to a FREEBIE!


Well then...head on over!

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Organizing Your Math Workshop Materials- Part 3 (plus a freebie)

If you are just joining me...

So, you've spent some time thinking about Math Workshop and how you want to run things in your class..but how are you going to organize all your materials?

Since I am currently on maternity leave I don't have any pictures or personal references to share with you but I do have some ideas as to how I'd like to organize my materials. I can also show you some of the blogs I've visited to help me cement the ideas I'd like to implement in my class next year. 

What I've learned:

1. Have your materials visible and easily accessible!

The more accessible your materials the more often your students  (and you!) will use them. The numeracy committee at my school created manipulatives carts last year for every class in my school as well as a central hub for each grade level. It was amazing because we each had access to the basic math manipulatives we used most frequently. The carts we used were simple plastic storage drawers for our manipulatives.

Photo via

I recently purchased two of these for my daughter's toys and I think they'd make great shelves for a classroom. The bins are so easy to grab and go...a few more might be in my future when I return to work!

Photo via

2. Commonly used materials

From all my blog reading, Pinterest pinning and freebie gathering in preparation for Math Workshop I've compiled a list of the most commonly used materials for math workshop games/activities/etc

  • dice
  • playing cards
  • dry erase markers
  • white boards
  • calculators
  • glue sticks (for Math Journals)
  • scissors
  • measuring tape/ rulers
  • manipulatives- base ten blocks, pattern blocks, snap cubes, clocks, 3D solids, calendars, counters, cuisinaire rods, fraction circles, fraction strips, money, grid paper, place value mats, etc
Examples of How Others Have Organized Their Materials

Here are some great blog posts that show how other teachers have organized their Math Workshop Materials.

1. Rockin' Teacher Materials has a fabulous post with lots of pictures. I especially love the tubs that she has created so that each group has their own set of the most commonly used materials. 

2. One of my favourite, favourite, favourite bloggers, Kristen (!) has an amazing post to show how she organizers all her math games over at Ladybug's Teacher Files.

3. A Differentiated Kindergarten has a very well organized post with pictures, descriptions and a linky party! 

If you want even more example, follow this link to my Math Workshop Pinterest board.

And now for a FREEBIE!

Everyday I find more and more and more great math games and activities on blogs, Pinterest, and TPT. I made this chart to start documenting the materials I've found and which month/focus I want to use them for. 

I am currently taking an Math (Part 1) Additional Qualifications course through York University and one of our assignments was to review a picture book that could be used to teach math. For a long time now I have been wanting to use more picture books in my math lessons. I created the above organizer to start keeping a list of all the books I find (and want to buy). You could also use it to inventory the books you already have in your library.

Next Up: 

Last but not least.... don't forget to head over to A Class*y Collaboration to link up with your February Freebies!

Friday, January 31, 2014

A Sweet Linky Party...full of Freebies!

I have a quick little freebie for you to use with your students for Valentine's Day. It's just a simple word sort but your could definitely extend it with your class...add more words, use the words to write a poem/story, change the words to other parts of speech. So many ideas!

Hope you like and that you head over to A Class*y Collaboration on February 1st to grab more freebies and link up your own. 
(The linky will be open all month!)

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Some blog posts you should be reading!

My fellow Class*y Collaboration authors are posting some great things on their personal blogs! 
You can follow this great group of talented ladies by clicking on the image below to go to the Class*y Collaboration blog 
(we have a new updated design too!).

I love working with this great group of ladies and reading their blogs. I wanted to share with you some of their most recent posts that I really enjoyed. 

Brenda from Primary Inspired has a post about a great linky, Movies that Get Brains Moving!

Go grab this great addition doubles bump game from Kathy at First Grade a la Carte!

Ciera has the CUTEST activity for asking questions...I "must ache" you to check it out.

Mary over at Pitner's Potpourri has a great multiplication usual. Mary always has the best freebies!

Last but not least, Learning with Mrs. Leeby has an amazing post on how to become a blogger! A must read for anyone starting out or looking to amp up their blog. 

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Trick or Freebie- Day 4

I'm back with a second freebie as part of A Class*y Collaboration's Trick or Freebie Blog Hop!

The blog hop last from Oct 24th until the 31st so I hope you are available to visit everyday and grab some great freebies!

My freebie today would be a great addition to any math workshop or math stations/centres.

This freebie contains 36 3-digit number cards, plus 6 blank cards to write in your own numbers.

I have also included the instructions for a 3-digit addition, a 3-digit subtraction, a number line and a comparing numbers station using these cards. 

Click on any of the images to grab your freebie!

Don't forget to head over to A Class*y Collaboration for more great freebies as part of this spooky blog hop.

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Trick or Freebie- Day 1

I am so excited to be a part of a great Halloween Blog Hop that is happening over at A Class*y Collaboration. If you are visiting for the first time, welcome. I hope you find lots to your liking!

Now, on to the FREEBIE!

I have a super spooky (ok, not spooky but fun) writing pack for you to start off the blog hop. 

Click on any of the images below to grab your freebie. 

Procedural writing is one of my favourite ways to start the school year in Grade 3 because students have a lot of experience with it and it's a great way to introduce all those routines you want to have in place in your classroom. By the time Halloween rolls around your students will most likely be "experts" and able to handle this activity independently...which means the Halloween fun can also turn into assessment!

This freebie pack contains 3 different procedural writing topics- How to Carve a Pumpkin, How to Trick or Treat Safely, a choose your own topic option. Each choice has a graphic organizer to help students brainstorm and plan our their writing as well as a set of good copy paper.

I've also included a success criteria poster to help your students do their very best work. I hope you enjoy it and don't forget to check back at A Class*y Collaboration everyday from now till the 31st to pick up more great freebies. 

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Trick or Freebie Blog Hop

Have you heard?

It's coming....

The authors over at A Class*y Collaboration are having a Halloween Blog Hop.

There will be freebies every day from October 24th until the 31st.

Don't miss out on all the fun!

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Back to School Sale! And a FREEBIE!!

Unless you've been hiding under a rock you must have heard about the Teachers Pay Teacher Back to School sale today and tomorrow... who doesn't love a sale??

Now, I don't have a TPT store to direct you to for great savings...all my stuff is always a freebie here at my blog.

But I did buy some great items!

Since I am only going back to school for 9 short days before my mat leave starts I have been racking my brain about how to go about planning and teaching for those 9 days. I don't want to set up too many routines in case they're aren't what the teacher coming in will want for the class, but I also don't think I should teach any routines at all. Such a dilemma.

Then I start to think about school board has a process every September/October called re-organization. This is where schools and classes that have either too many students or not enough students get re-organized into proper class sizes. I understand the need for it but it's a lot of disruption for staff and students as classes can end up collapsed and teachers moved from one school to other overnight. Horrible, right?

Well, the chances are high of my school getting re-organized because our numbers are so high. This has happened to us every year for the last three...this year isn't looking any different. I want to spend my short time in the classroom creating small portfolios that my students can take with them in case they are moved to a new class and the teacher will have a glimpse into what they can do and have been doing without feeling like he/she needs to play catch up.

So when choosing my products for the sale I looked for items that covered a lot of general expectations and would allow the students to have fun while showcasing their abilities.

So what did I get?

Click on any of the images to be taken directly to the sellers TPT store and the product.

I love the idea of Math About Me...students start to think about numbers and math in a whole new way. I think this will be a great starting activity for my grade 3's and to pass along to their new teacher. 

After a whole summer off it can be difficult to get students to start writing again. I am hoping this will jump start their writing muscles and provide some diagnostic information for their new teacher. 

Gotta see how well they can make connections. I am hoping to do a 9-day (LOL) intensive connections unit while I am school to gain some insight into my student's reading ability that I can then pass on.

This product has some great get-to-know you activities and many of them could be used to create some cute class books. I think I will use a lot of them as time-fillers and seat work as I try to complete as many reading assessments in 9-days as possible.

Math diagnostic!! Grade 3 is a testing year in my province so I want to get my students started on the right foot (even if I won't be there at testing time) so they can be prepared. 

Lastly, I got some more of the ADORABLE Pink Cat Studio clip art that I have been using for my Back to School Teacher Binder Series. I am in love with it. 

If you've missed on on the freebies so far make sure you check out

And now for Part 4...more freebies for you!

Here is a little form to help you keep track of all your student's birthdays!

This a is cute package of forms I put together to help you prepare for a substitute. This freebie includes a spot to leave information about your class/students, classroom rules, procedures, behaviour management, recess routines, lunch information, dismiss routines, morning routines, and a feedback form.

Finally, I'd love for you check out the TPT stores for my fellow contributors over at A Class*y Collaboration.
Click on the buttons below to head to their  TPT stores.

Kathy is participating too! She has a tonne of math games that would be great for math centres.

Brenda has some amazing Beanie Bag Decoding Strategy Posters...just added to my cart!

Everything in Ciera's store is sooo cute! I love the Author's Purpose Powerpoint and colouring set.

Jacque has some super cute alphabet posters.

Rachel is in on the sale too!! She has a wide variety of sub plans available.

Sabra has two cute fraction sets- Fraction War! The kids would love it. 

Hope your shopping is going as well as mine!

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