Tuesday, September 13, 2011


Hey guys! How was your weekend? Mine was packed, penat pun tak hilang lagi ni. Ben and me sibuk dok mencari barang-barang for Umar's birthday party this Saturday. Masa we all banyak habis on the road aje. Start awal senang, takde la kelam-kabut nanti last minute kan..
Boleh dikatakan 60-70% benda dah settle. Tinggal yang kecik-kecik tu, one of these days boleh siapkan. Design untuk feature wall pun dah hantar printing, most probably hari ni boleh pergi collect. Oh tak sabar nak tengok!
To tell you the truth, I don't know what to expect on that day. Mesti meriah with all the kids running around the house :D But hopefully all the guests will enjoy themselves and have a great time..

Have a nice day!

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