Showing posts with label sisters. Show all posts
Showing posts with label sisters. Show all posts

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Check....1 goal accomplished

At the first of the year my sisters and I set a goal to run a 5k together. We picked a race and started working towards our goal. I think I have heard all of my sisters, at one time or another, say "I am not a runner". I wanted to prove them wrong because I knew if I could do it then they could too. So, we chose "The run for Kids" as our race. We set up a blog so we could keep in touch with each other and push each other from our own neck of the woods. I was hoping that the actual race would be a great memory but I loved the journey just as much. I loved each blog and the set of comments that followed.

We decided to make matching shirts to wear during the race and although they looked homemade, I loved them and thought they were way cute. On the front it had the number of sister we were so my # was 3 and then the back said.

New running shoes. . . . $70.00
Custom T-Shirt. . . .$10.00
Running with your sisters. . . . Priceless

The before the race picture
Our goal was to just run a race together, not WIN a race together. We did have a goal time in mind when we started the race and that was to finish in 30 min. Not all of us wanted to agree on that goal time but it turned out to be a happy medium.
Imagine our surprise when some of us actually placed in our individual divisions.
Misti and Kandice were in the same division, Trudi and Cheri were in the same division and I was in my own division.
Cheri (3rd place) Trudi (2nd place), Kandice (3rd place)
Kandice was a little excited about her medal
Here are the winner sisters
And Misti and I were the loser sisters.
At least we had each other!

Post race photo.
We finished in 30 min 5 seconds.
The best part was that we all thought it was fun and I think a few of them may want to do another one. I may have gained a few of my favorite running partners.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

A day at the "cannery"

O.K. not really the cannery but close enough. My sister's and I got together and canned some of our goods we picked up from the cannery a few weeks ago. We had so much fun together for a few hours, canning and doing something productive for our families and our food storage! It was much easier than going to the cannery. (for me at least). I didn't have to find a babysitter for 4 hours and I didn't have to wear a hair net either! I borrowed our stake's canning machine and got some tips from my "neighbor canning guru", Tamara, and we had a great morning together.
Don't get me wrong, I am grateful for the cannery and how easy it makes it for us to get our houses in order, I just loved being able to do it in my own home.

Kandice, AKA- "Queen canner" Misti, was runner up "Queen canner"
Sorry about the side way's picture.

I was the "Little Red Hen" and spent some time
grinding wheat to be made into bread.

The kids played video games, jumped on the tramp, played in the sandbox and ate the dropped apple slices that didn't make it in the cans.
You can't do that at the cannery either!

We were able to can 50 cans of goods that I am grateful to have in my food storage!! YEAH