Father's Day Morning... Adlelyn is helping Shane open his present. She likes the tissue paper better than the present, but I hope Shane likes his present best!

Later that day.... Adelyn found her favorite toy - Mommy's cell phone! She loves to look at it and press buttons and especially loves it when people talk to her through it (although she can't quite figure it out!)

Emilee and Adelyn playing on the swing set at Gregg and Tammy's house. Adelyn seemed to like it - I guess that will be a future investment!
Some more pictures from that day...

what a cutie! She has the most beautiful blue eyes. Such cute pics with her and Shane, who by the way is getting a little gray hair!!! ;) That's ok, so is Nate!
what a precious little chubby girl! i seriously cannot tell you enough how beautiful she is. :)
She is a doll! Lucky you guys!
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