Yay!!!! You've convinced me and Charlie lovely Benny!! It's absolutely brilliant being a Schnau as lovely as you!!!Hugs too to sweet Tessla and Hansel! Take carex
It is very good to be you!Karihttp://dogisgodinreverse.com
You are having a lovely time being you and that is so good. Hugs GJ x
ha ha ha! We liked the JUMP the best! You look like a superhero sailing through the air.
Your very cute. I think you are a good Schnau.Sally Ann
What a good pup! You could never get us cats to obey on command like that, though.
Hi Benny! We don't think we've seen you for awhile! ! Those are great pictures and we love love love that bed!
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Yay!!!! You've convinced me and Charlie lovely Benny!! It's absolutely brilliant being a Schnau as lovely as you!!!
Hugs too to sweet Tessla and Hansel! Take care
It is very good to be you!
You are having a lovely time being you and that is so good. Hugs GJ x
ha ha ha! We liked the JUMP the best! You look like a superhero sailing through the air.
Your very cute. I think you are a good Schnau.
Sally Ann
What a good pup! You could never get us cats to obey on command like that, though.
Hi Benny! We don't think we've seen you for awhile! ! Those are great pictures and we love love love that bed!
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