Monday, January 18, 2010

Living with Legg Perthes.

I have a diagnosis for Hansel's ailment. It's called 'Legg Perthes'. I understand a bit more about it today than i did before. Actually, while i write this, my darling hansel is on the floor in this room- as he got tired of his room and wanted to come out. Dr. J says it's alright for him to be out with us, as long as no one is pouncing on him- so i have him closed in here too. Not exactly his idea of freedom, but he looks happier in here with me than he did in the other room.

Legg Perthes is a genetic disease. basically, there is something wrong with the blood supply to the femoral head. thus many times, breaks off. It's most common in small dogs. And, extremely rare in cats. My luck at work again.

And hansel is only about 1yr and 8 months. I spoke to dr. p today, and she says she suggests taking the bone fragment out, and while he's under, fixing the other one too. She said this would get rid of any possible arthritis issues, plus stop this from happening in the other one, because the other leg is weak as well. She said she's fixed many of them- and they act like they never had a problem.

She is suggesting do it soon, and wants the specialist, dr.f (not a nice person, but the best orthopedic surgeon around) to look at the xrays. I went to dr. j, our most trusted and respected vet and asked him what he thought- he still believes we should wait 2-3 weeks to see what happens. Dr. j is a VERY conservative vet- and actually something i normally agree with incredibly. However, I don't want hansel to suffer bad arthritis, and pain- and have to do it in 2 months anyway, or heal up and have to do it in a few years, OR, have to be in pain when the other one blows out.

I'm trying my best to do what's right for the cat. And i've never not agreed with something dr. j has told us, and dr. p is always a bit more 'yeah lets do it' fixing things. She offered to do the surgery as well- which would save me tons of money. My husband wants to go ahead and do the surgery. But how do you tell the vet who came to your house special to see the patient, oh yeah gee well thanks, but we're not doing what you want? I think he thinks surgery is an ok option- but he just wants us to wait. But while we're waiting, every time hansel takes a step the bone is rubbing against bone.

I'm having a hard time deciding what to do. What would you do if it was your baby? I don't want him to suffer. I want him to be happy and normal again. The happiest cat you'll ever meet! And he's broken. :(

However, he has started walking a lot more, moves around his room, using the box easier, flinging litter EVERYWHERE, appetite is good, drinking well, and starting to play with toys again. I had to make him stay in his room this morning, he wanted out out out!

But i think i want the surgery, but i want to make sure, that before we do it, it's the right thing. i'm so scared i'll make a bad choice. If i go conservative, we might be RIGHT back at this point not to far in the future. Who knows.

I think i've decided, and i think it's the right choice.
my heart hurts for him. I can't stand seeing him in pain.


Brian's Home Blog said...

For what it's worth, we think you should trust your instincts too. The right thing to do for your baby is what you know to be right. We
will all be purring for a wonderful guess is he wants it too. We love ya Hansel!

Sweet Purrfections said...

I agree with Brian. Go with your instincts as to what is best for Hansel. Special purrs!

The Creek Cats said...

Bless both of your hearts! We kinda know what you are going through because Maggie May had double luxating patellas, kinda rare in cats. We know how bad it feels to see your baby in pain. You gotta go with your instincts and trust that you do know what's right for your Hansel. We'll be purring special for you and Hansel as you make your decision. (((hugs))))

Amy & the house of cats said...

We are glad that you were able to find out exactly what is wrong, and that there are options for you. We don't envy you having to make this decision, but we know you will do what is best for Hansel. There are just so many what ifs that it is hard to decide, but we are in agreement and think you should follow your instincts. All of us will be here for you and stand behind you no matter what option you go with. You always have all of our support! We are sending both of you lots of purrs and prayers!

Sally Ann and Andy said...

You know what is best for him. He loves you very much, and it you think that is the best choice;then, you should do it.
Sally Ann

JB's Big and Small Worlds said...

Oh no! We are so sorry to hear Hansel is not well. We know you will know in your gut what to do and will do the right thing. I know my mom would do anything for us, like she did for years with our Misty, and you will do the same. We are all purring and purring and purraying for Hansel.
--JB, Chester, CB, Armani, Gaia and Charli, and mom Deb

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

Oh, we are so sorry to hear that Hansel is seriously hurty. We are sending healing purrs. As to whose advice to follow I suppose you just have to weigh all your options and go with what you feel is right for Hansel. ~AFSS

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

We also say trust your instincts on this...

I've read of canine friends and/or friends of friends that have had femoral head procedures done with success...

From time to time, look into Hansel's eyes and ask him what he thinks too...I'm pretty sure you've talked to him about it...

Our best wishes and thoughts...

Khyra and Her Mom

Gemini and Ichiro said...

A good vet will understand that your instincts are telling you to trust someone else. If you are discussing what you learned with him, he may have reasons why he is being cautious--rather than just being that kind of conservative vet. When he hears your concerns and you ask him for his specific concerns you might find something that reconciles you to the course of action you want to take--but even if he doesn't understand--you still need to remember to trust your gut. Hansel is your cat, not his.

Hoshi said...

It's so tough and hard,, but I think you know your baby Hansel the best, and you know what he wants... He will be happier whatever you made a decision for him.
Just follow your heart!!!
Human's 2 weeks could be 2 months for kitty. Longer you wait, longer they suffer... that's what I learned from my kitten that I lost in 2008, he was FIP wet.

Lots of PURRRRRRS for you and Hansel!

Coffee Talk with Shar said...

Go with your heart mom. You know what is best for you and for Hansel. It really is ok to take all of the advise you can get and then make an informed decision, and any professional would appreciate that. Your kind heart will guide you well. Know we are with you!

We also left an award for you on my blog....

Prinnie and Digby

Kari in Alaska said...

that a tough decision but sounds like the right one since he is so young. glad hes feel well enough to get out and go to another room

GLOGIRLY said...

I know how hard this is... I've had to make a similar decision before for Katie.

Hansel is a young kitty and has a long and great life ahead of him. I would go with your instincts and have the surgery done. Especially considering the specialist has done so many of them with success.

Keep us posted. We'll be purring for Hansel.

Glogirly & Katie

Chesney Cats said...

We agree with everyone else, trust your instincts. We are purring & purraying our hardest for Hansel to be well & painfree soon. We love you guys!!

Ellen Whyte said...

Go with your instincts - and disagree with a vet if you want, after all, he's a pro, right? And there's always more than one way to go.

We're purring for you and Hansel. We'll drop by later in the week to see what's happening.

We cat blog on Tuesdays and Fridays. Mondays is for writers (I'm a journo). Today is just a picture but drop by this Friday for a nice long cheery catty post.

Anonymous said...

We know that you won't want sweet little Hansel in pain ~ especially if surgery will cure his problem. But as his mom, your own instincts will guide you, and we agree with the others, follow those instincts.

Smoochies to Hansel and (((((((hugs))))))))) for the mom.

Milo, Alfie and our Mom xxx

SeaThreePeeO said...

We understand how difficult this must be for you. But please don't feel pressured into doing something because somebody wants to do something else. Hansel is your baby and it's your decision.

If Dr J is a great vet and an animal lover then he will understand and back any decision you make.

Goldie, Shade and Banshee said...

We are just getting caught up with everything, poor sweet Hansel! As everyone else had said, follow your heart. We hope he feels better soon.

{{hugs}} from all of us!

Daisy said...

Daisy's Mom here. I know you will make the best decision for Hansel. I have to admit, if something similar happened to Daisy or Harley, I think I would feel that I wanted to "fix" it all up for them, and would probably want to have the surgery, too. Just keep in mind that, whatever you decide you will probably have regrets. If you don't have the surgery, you will keep wondering if you should, and if you do have the surgery, you will feel bad when you see him post-op. I think either choice will have pros and cons. Good luck to you!

Anonymous said...

We say go with your gut.

Mom here...I say go for the surgery. It'll get him out of pain a lot quicker and I'm sure Dr. J (the one who came to the house) would completely understand. But if you feel bad, let him know you're feeling about it and maybe he'll just do as you wish. We're purraying really hard for that handsome, Hansel!

White Dog Blog said...

Trust your instincts . Know you and Hansel are surrounded by a powerful lot of love and support!

Kaz's Cats said...

We're sending big purrs to Hansel and to his dear Mom. All our Mum can say is keep asking for info, but we think your instincts will guide you.


Gypsy & Tasha

Anonymous said...

My goodness, such a situation. It's great to know exactly what is going on. I think I would go ahead with the surgery to get both taken care of...Then I would have less worry, if any down the line. I would call it preventative care.

Anonymous said...

First, please know that our biggest and best prayers are coming your way for Hansel. We are broken-hearted so we know you must be devastated.

Yes, we would opt for the surgery, too. You have to do what is best for him and not think about anything else. You said that this was your bad luck. No, it was Hansel's bad luck to get the disease but his phenomenal GOOD LUCK to have such caring and considerate parents.

Jacqueline said...

You should trust your instincts and have the surgery=you love Hansel and the best you can do for him is to make an informed decision with his best interests at heart...That is what you are doing=best of luck.

Cory said...

Always trust your instincts where Hansel is concerned! You love him and will do what you know is best for him.



Angel, Kirby and Max said...

I would agree that the surgery is the way to go. My mother has bone on bone and she is in constant pain. I know you do not want that for sweet Hansel. Go with your heart!

cheryl said...

oh, goodness! we are furry sorry mom has been so lax in helping us blog and visit lately--just now learning about hansel's owies. we hopes an' purrays that all goes well tomorrow--mom thinks that surgery now is prolly yer best choice fur him, an' we're sure he'll do just fine.

blessin's on you all, an' we're purrayin' an' purrin' fur a good outcome, fur the doc's best concentration an' skill, an' fur all the meddycal team. (an' fur yer peace of mind!!)

love yas all,
ed, nitro, xing lu, an' igmu, the meowers (an' a soft grrrr from the dambrowndawg)