Showing posts with label loneliness. Show all posts
Showing posts with label loneliness. Show all posts

Saturday, January 21, 2023

Scarf Upon a Fence Post


Photography by Elspeth Diederix

But we loved with a love that was more than love... ~Edgar Allan Poe

If a heart could swirl like a scarf upon a fence post, mine would choose to do that with you.

 A dance of what is and could be.

 The wonder of discovery.

 The kind that new lovers hold, and dreamers think on and want to know.

The yearning that lonely hearts don’t speak of

 is as vast as ocean waves,

yet as quiet as a soft sigh can roll off parted lips.

The feeling I speak of feels like the most sacred of prayers.

Hands stretched out in adoration.

A reaching out and inward the way lovers’ hands will do.

For if a heart could swirl like a scarf upon a fence post,

 mine would choose to do all of that with you.

Linking with the Sunday Muse for Muse #243

Saturday, June 8, 2019

Thirst of Another Kind

Photography by Carlo Pautasso

Linking with the Sunday Muse for Muse # 59
Come join us!
"They roll by just like water 
And I guess we never learn 
Go through life parched and empty 
Standing knee deep in a river and dying of thirst."

~Kathy Matea

It is desolate in the place of longing
Where I wait for you to notice me and
  quench my desire with more than a passing nod
You with your fountain eyes that never flow my direction
Could you not see me withering away with pining
I would have soaked up anything you would have given me
Hung on your words like petals on a flower
For thirsty is a place that drowns in yearning
Dry throats do not crumple like leaves
But hearts do
Leaving nothing to fall to the ground
But regret
And that is the most desolate place of all.

©Carrie Van Horn 2019

Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Empty Cups Full Hearts

An Angel at my Table by Mariam Escofet  
Photo source

Linking with The Sunday Muse for Muse # 30

We fill our cup with the coffee of the morning
We fill our minds with the thoughts of the moment
We fill our time with the tasks at hand
We fill our plates with the meal of the day
We fill our hearts with the loves of our life.

We collect so many things throughout our lives.  Things that could fill up closets and homes.  Fine china to fill a grand table, and memories to last a lifetime.  May your table be full and your guests be many.

Monday, September 29, 2014

Lonely Is A Velvet Chair

Google Images

 Linking with Poetry Pantry #220

"Loneliness and the feeling of being unwanted is the most terrible poverty." 
~Mother Teresa

In the old house I grew up in, there was an antique velvet chair that sat in the corner of the living room draped with a sheet. It was never used as far as I could tell.  Mother said it was too fine a chair to be dirtied up by our sweaty little bodies. So there it stood ,while I sat on the floor to watch television.

Years later after she passed away, the chair ended up in my grandparent's garage once again draped with a sheet. I came across it searching for old photos of my family. I had spent many nights there at my grandparent's and other friend's houses throughout that difficult time.

Looking back now, I realize it was simply my Dad's way of protecting me from the emptiness that so filled our home. I suppose he did not understand that loneliness is not merely solidarity, for I learned then, that it is also magnified by being kept apart from where you are meant to be.

Friday, January 25, 2013

A Certain Warmth

"If the world seems cold to you, kindle fires to warm it." ~Lucy Larcom

Each of us has a longing deep in our soul for the warmth of another's touch.
So we reach out our hands with a quivering want like winter's soldier by the camp fire hoping to quell loneliness's abysmal sting, for life is sometimes cold and the atmosphere around us can be lonely and parched no matter what direction we turn.  Yet, if we truly long to find warmth from outside of ourselves, and hold something more than an arsenal of empty sorrows by our side, then we need to learn how to relinquish our need to grasp it so tightly, and give some of what we hold away.  Like any great loving gift, the reward is always as lovely as the offering.  Karma always comes round full circle no matter how large the sphere.  So reach out to the world with the warmth of kindness.with all that you possess inside, and watch the beauty and warmth of the flickering flame spread like wild fire.

Dear lonely soldier hold on to life's true warm breaths
  with all the guts and grit you could ever hold inside,
 then reach out to the wilderness of sorrows
 a hand willing to open and then open wide.
The warmth of loving kindness can be found
 in a world full of deep hurts and grief.
You must be willing to lick the flame
 if you wish to taste all that is good and sweet.
So trudge further onward with muddy boots
 to the greatest depths of a war torn land,
for this life is a passage through rocky and lonely streets
to stumble down and  in hardship's bounty learn to stand.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Loneliness Is The Longest of Seasons

"The coldest winter I ever spent was a summer in San Francisco."
~Mark Twain

Linking with Poetry Jam

Spring is like a lover
 that kisses you on the lips.
While summer is a brother
 that hits you with a fist.
Then autumn is a sister
you want to remain close.
Yet lonely's name is winter
that come to leave you all alone.

Thursday, December 22, 2011

One Solitary Tear

Linking with Poetry Jam a great place for writers....check it out. :-)

"Man is harder than iron, stronger than stone and more fragile than a rose."  ~Turkish Proverb

One solitary tear may fall...
yet hundreds of voices share the same cry.
We are never truly alone no matter how it may seem.
There is always someone else that has faced the same trial.
Another soul that has been in a worse place.
So take hope by the hand and hold on tight.
Follow where it leads.
Now repeat after me:
I am not alone.
You are not alone.
We are not alone.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

A Thirsty Place

 "Loneliness is the most terrible poverty."  ~Mother Teresa

 I got a glimpse of it in a homeless man's eyes
I heard it in a poverty stricken child's cry
I felt it in a widowed woman's grasp
I tasted it in the kiss of a love I once had
I mingled with it holding a bottle of champagne
I fled from it once in a crowded jet plane
Yet no matter where I go or choose to stay
Loneliness is always a thirsty place.

For more  in your glass go to lovely Tess's Magpie Tales

Saturday, August 28, 2010

House of Cards

You could weave a bamboo hut and place it on sand before the sea.
Or nail a wood frame in a thicket amongst the trees.
You could plant a home, like corn, in a prairie's breeze.
Or lay a brick by brick fortress on a mount for all to see.
But, if there is no love that there in resides,
the rooms may be full, but loneliness will abide.
For a house of cards is like an old fool and his gin,
a sad game of solitaire where no one wins.