Showing posts with label mr. bryant. Show all posts
Showing posts with label mr. bryant. Show all posts

Monday, January 2, 2012

Welcome 2012!

Happy happy New Year to each and every one of you!!

My six month break from blogging was the start of a six month break from "me" stuff.  I stopped blogging, writing, working in the sketchbook, spinning, knitting, scrapbooking, and crocheting.  I didn't stop reading books, but every other thing went by the wayside except the very much needed focus on other priorities. We even stopped our Sunday grandson / grandmother trips to the game store for role-playing games.

Sounds like things were pretty quiet, yes?  Well, during that time we:

  • had our annual family vacation at the beach which was wonderful as always. We took the puppies, and they both loved the ocean. After three days, though, Jack Junior got very very ill. He cried out in pain, was unable to walk, had urinary problems, and slept rolled up in a tiny ball. Mr. Bryant took him home the very next morning to get pain medication from the vet, while I stayed and took pictures and loved the time with the fam.

  • said goodbye to Ama as she went off to Portland. Mr. Bryant laid out her driving trip across the country, and we even found a cabin in Yellowstone for one of the nights of the trip. The drive took her to the Arch in St. Louis, Colorado to see friends, Yellowstone, Coeur d'Alene, and the Columbia River Gorge. 
  • said Goodbye to Shannon and John and family as they went off to new adventures in Virginia.
  • put all the puppies on a new diet. 
  • watched the puppies grow like weeds!

  • took Jack Junior to six vets and finally to NC State Veterinary School, where they diagnosed the infection that was crippling and killing him.  We got him started on a three to six month course of antibiotics and noticed immediate improvement in his condition.
  • continued to take the puppies to Obedience Training. 
  • flew the cats across the country to greet Ama in Portland.
  • learned the incredible blessings of being members of the Leonberger Community. 
  • had a fabulous family Thanksgiving in the mountains hosted by Mr. and Mrs. McFadden.
  • had another wonderful Christmas hosted by Mr. and Mrs. Hanson.
  • went to an amazing New Years dinner with our very dear friends.

In addition to all this, I interviewed for a new job or two, adjusted to a restructure at work, and did my best to support Mr. Bryant while HE adjusted to a restructure at work.

During all this time off from "me," I thought I was doing the right things, doing the things that needed to be done, paying primary attention to the other people in my life in the best way. But as I look back at the last half of the year, I can see that I was less centered, less thoughtful, and frankly, less confident.

I am grateful to have learned this lesson, which I think I really knew but allowed myself to conveniently forget.  Taking care of "me" is important, and changes how I interact with the world at every level.

I can't say that I am sorry to see 2011 go.  Although it wasn't the worst year it also wasn't the best.  And sometimes, that's exactly the inspiration needed to go forth and know this New Year better, man! (with a nod here to our friends, the Muppets!)

Here is to the most wonderful year yet.  Welcome 2012!

Thursday, June 9, 2011

A mid-week tale about last Sunday morning

Hooray for morning coffee!
I woke up early and let the puppies out last Sunday morning.  And then, because I was so ready for coffee, I got the grinder out and readied the beans and started the water.

These days, coffee is simply wonderful to me in the mornings.

I went upstairs and prepared the pet food and fed everyone, and after they all ate and the puppies were playing outside in the yard I finally got my coffee ready.  It had to steep for four minutes in the french press, so I let the puppies in and they scooted to the bedroom to lay down for another little nap.  Mr. Bryant wasn't up yet, so I got my coffee cup ready and took my book into the bedroom, planning to sit in bed and read a bit.

This is what I found when I got there.

Mr. Bryant, Bella, and Jack (Oh My!)

So I took my book and sat in the kitchen at the table in the sunshine, and smiled a bit while I read and sipped.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Rosie's Gate

Rosie's Gate

Mr. Bryant and ADR spent so much time on the fence, that there was nothing for it but to create gates that were amazing works of art.  They had planned for three walking gates in the fence, and then one large gate that runs across the driveway.

Back in December after the fence was done, there was a two week period with no gates.  Every time little Bella needed to go outside (and that was every 20 minutes), I had to bundle up, leash her up, and out we went to walk around the cold yard.  Many times it was rainy, but it always seemed to me to be freezing for those outside trips.  We had piles of coats on every chair, scarves and hats and mittens on every table.  I was not at my happiest with stuff everywhere, on top of more stuff, not to mention having to go out for a walk every 20 minutes.

I complained to Mr. Bryant, and he took action at his first opportunity.  He, Bella, and ADR created a "Christmas Miracle" back in December, and put up temporary barriers across all the gate spaces.  Mr. Bryant did make one working gate, back at the back driveway.  He called this gate "Rosie's Gate," as she is always in and out this gate when she visits.  The gate was very plain, though, and not to his liking because it didn't close as securely as he wanted, and the lock was makeshift.  We really want these gates secured, so this has been a source of concern for months.

The security matters to us, like many things, because of our history.  Years ago, before cell phones (seriously, there was such a time), we had two amazing dogs - a Newfoundland (Christmas Carol "Chrissie") and an Australian Shepard "Buck."  Chrissie was the younger of the two, and pretty sweet most of the time.  She was happy and loving with a Newfoundland's great heart, and the most beautiful Newf I ever seen, in a very rare color called Cream.  She was most precious to me and I miss her still to this day.

Buck was another matter.  He was large for an Aussie, black with a white blaze on his chest.  He had been mercilessly teased by construction workers in a new development when he was a little puppy, and the teasing had made him afraid and super super protective.  It took him a long time to trust people, but once he trusted you, he believed in you without question for the rest of his life.  He was the most dedicated dog I have ever known. He held my heart.

I knew we were safe as long as we had Buck, because NO ONE could come into the yard or the house uninvited - not even family.  He meant business, and he loved us to complete and total distraction.  He was deeply loved and I miss him still, oh so very much.

Back then, back there, we had a fenced in yard for two reasons - we had an in ground pool and we had the dogs.  The gates were always closed and we had Beware of Dog signs up on each gate.  One day while we were at work, someone came and opened the gate.  We think they were going to take a dip in the pool, but the dogs surprised them and when they took off running they left the gate open.  The dogs were out - and it was hours before we got home to set things right.  Buck wouldn't even let the postman up on the porch to deliver the mail.  It was mayhem, and we nearly lost them both that day, as we lived on a busy neighborhood cut through street.  When I think about it my heart gets tight again, even now.

So now that we have puppies again after all these years, we need the gates to have locks, to close even when they aren't pushed.  We need good strong gates that no one uninvited can open.  And we need gates that are works of art.  That show our love of mixed natural materials.  That tell our story, that allow Mr. Bryant time to play with welding, and that give the puppies a way to see out.  The gates, they are taking some time to make. In fact, only one is almost done - and the rest are still in design and materials collection stages.

Above, you see Rosie's Gate.  Still not done, but much closer.  Up on hinges in its space, with a solid lock to keep the puppies safe.  I do love it, with the wood and the metal, the textures, the excellent workmanship.  Mr. Bryant said it was so heavy he could hardly lift it, but is swings gently on the hinges, like it weighs nothing.

More to come as the finished product is ready.  :)

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Gardening, Front and Back

At the back of the yard, Mr. Bryant plants the plants that are leftovers.  The ones that are at the edge of the nursery, the ones that are left to sit by the side, that no one wants to buy, the ones that the nursery eventually marks down to almost nothing.

When Mr. Bryant brings these plants home, they look bad, every time.  Like no one ever watered them.  Like really, they are probably dead.  Like doing anything with them was a complete waste of effort.  Like if you paid for them at all, you paid too much.

Mr. Bryant plants these sad looking plants in rocky soil, at the back edge of the yard.  He fondly calls the area his rock garden.  He waters the plants with dedication, but he doesn't do anything special otherwise.  Well, maybe a little compost occasionally - but many times not even that.  Amazingly, every dying plant Mr. Bryant has put into the rocky clay soil at the back of the yard has prospered.  While my front garden delphiniums have died and I have purchased more and they have died, and once again more.....Mr. Bryant's spindly plants have grown and showered us with blooms.

After much plant distress out front I let the garden just go for two years.  I pulled the big weeds, but didn't care much about most of it.  It grew wild and the birds loved the brush.  The poison ivy started to take over though, so something had to be done.  Now I have a gardener in the person of my son, who tends the front garden and fills it with glorious perennials.  Some of the hidden roses that never bloomed are blooming beautifully, and although the yellow rose is gone, the white one is prospering.  The garden is recovering and is filled with such beautiful plants that I am nearly to tears.  My son is a blessing to me, as are the flowers. 

And out back, Mr. Bryant's rock garden blooms exotic.

These men in the family, I swear they must have green thumbs.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Hot Dogs

Two Hot Dogs :)

It is still spring here, and we have had a slew of beautiful days when the windows have been open and we have had a fabulous cross breeze through the house.  I treasure those days because it always seems like we have very few of them.  When we first moved to the south we lived in a 200 year old farmhouse.  The ceilings were 10 feet high in every room, and there were plenty of windows.  No air conditioning though.  We just had to get used to the heat and the humidity.  We purchased fans and put them in the windows, running them most of the day.  The evenings were always a delight as coolness came across the lake to blow soft breezes through the house.  When I would lay in bed I was reminded of growing up, and the sounds of the birds and insects at dusk when I would lay down by the window.  Somehow, our sheepdog managed to survive many of those hot hot summers.  The country seemed cooler then.

Jack Junior

We are already beyond that now, though.  The weeks went by so quickly - and the air conditioning is already a critical need.  The puppies have gone from delighted with the yard and never wanting to come in to really never wanting to be out - especially not in the middle of the day.  We are already past the long walks in the sunshine - they would rather wait until the end of the day or better yet, walk first thing in the morning.  They see a little bit sad about it - and it is early yet.  Mr. Bryant says he will buy them a swimming pool to soak in.

Max consoling Jack as he rests on the cool kitchen tiles

Monday, April 18, 2011

Treats All Around!

When Mr. Bryant calls from the kitchen, it's cookie time.  It might be for a home-made biscuit, it might be for a prepackaged treat, it might be for a graham cracker, or it might be mini-marshmallows.  One can never be sure just what goodie Mr. Bryant may produce - and so you see in our house, no one takes any chances.  :)

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Everybody Loves Marshmellows

I can't eat them during Lent. But nobody said they didn't make great treats......

The puppies can catch them, but Max just reaches up Mr. Bryant's leg and takes them right out of his hand. :)

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Those Dirty Rotten Spools.

Preparing to make the most incredible artistic gates on the planet, Mr. Bryant has been acquiring new tools. Specifically, as of early last week, he has a new spool gun (it came with his new MIG welder, but more about that another day). He looks very Buck Roger-ish aiming that Spool Gun, wouldn't you agree?

As for me, I feel really safe. We will not be attacked by any Dirty Rotten Spools.


Tuesday, February 22, 2011


Quick update for the curious. :)

These pups are actually hard to take pictures of. When I get the camera out, they both come running to play - so they are all up in my face and I can't get good shots. Mr. Bryant and I will work together on some this weekend. In the mean time, here are a few.....since all the fur bellies in my house got baths on Saturday.

Monday, October 11, 2010


Mr. Bryant and his lovely twin Mrs. Reitzel celebrated their birthday in September. They are finally getting closer to me in age! :):) Though we didn't get to see Mrs. Reitzel, we did get to enjoy the evening with Mr. Bryant and the family. Many neighbors dropped by to visit as well, although I didn't get the cake set out before they all had to head home!

A few photos to share.....

Love you baby.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

New Fencing

Mr. Bryant and Mr. Rentschler are on to their next project. The list is getting longer every day, despite their determined focus.

Just to recap - one side of the yard fence is done. Paths around the side of the house to the front have been laid. A side flower bed has been built and planted. A gate and pergola have been designed, built, and installed. The tree-house is done and done [although we are still waiting on the tree-house-warming party for the final pictures].

And so, the rest of the fence is now due. Good timing, what with thieves about and all.

Two weeks ago, Mr. Bryant rented a big post drilling machine and he and Mr. Rentschler managed to dig all the posts for the new fence in one day. The machine was loud and super effective and the holes were both deep and wide. They ran into a few rocks and just stopped there, planning to get the rocks out by hand.

With the holes dug, they did some prep work on the posts, sanding the edges so that they had a nice bit of smooth rounding, and then they set them in the holes - where there were no rocks, of course. (HA!)

Take a look at the bones of this fence. We want our dogs to be able to see out, but we don't want anyone to get in or out except by the gate. Mr. Bryant wants the fence to help our property value over time. And he just can't do anything part way, either.

So we begin this project....

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Thursday, 13 Things about the New Old Truck

1) We had been looking for months to find ADR his birthday truck, and finally just gave him the cash. In less than 5 days, he found the old truck of his dreams! The truck was in a small farming town north of where we live, and had never been out of the small community where ADR found it. Only two other people had ever owned the truck, and now, ADR gots it.

2) ADR Absolutely Loves It. Happy Birthday, baby! Super & I are so happy you are happy.

3) SRR Absolutely Loves It, and Loves that ADR Loves It. How totally fabulous!

4) It is a 1966 pick-up truck, and that is the same year Jay D was born. When Mrs. Hanson saw the pick up truck, the distinctive style brought back tons of memories of those days. The last time it was titled was in 1979, the year ADR was born.

5) GMC made the pick-up truck, and it has pretty darn much original stuff on it & in it. The Custom logo was a factory option (like a Limited) and therefore has a little bit of finishing and trim that are standard.

6) It is pretty fun to drive, and is a V-6 engine. Super nice and very cool.

7) The shifting is "3 on the tree," and ADR had to call someone for help before he could drive it home. :)

8) The pick up truck bed is a long bed, excellent for hauling all kinds of things. The long bed is made of wood, lined with a heavy rubber mat.

9) ADR got a 1966 license plate and will be licensed to run with that plate, a "Year of Manufacture" plate.

10) Pinky loves to ride with ADR, and lays down on the long front seat - because he can! In fact, everybody likes to ride in the pick-up truck.

11) Mr. Bryant and ADR hauled their first load in it this past weekend, and that is something!

12) People stop ADR when he is driving the pick-up truck - in the parking lots, in his driveway, they pull up beside him - all to tell him - "Man, I like your truck! Cool!"

13) And Ms. Jaya Pearl? She likes to climb in the bed.

View More Thursday Thirteen Participants Here

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Huevos Rancheros!

Mr. Bryant couldn't be at Ama's birthday celebration, as he was traveling. So he called and invited her to Sunday Breakfast.

In an unrelated event, Mr. Bryant and I watched "Bobby Flay's Ultimate Throwdown," and the episode was "Huevos Rancheros!" We always enjoy it when we catch one of these shows, even though Bobby's recipes are typically more complicated than we want to try. But throughout the show we had a great discussion on this classic Mexican dish, and by the time it was over Mr. Bryant had made a decision - "That's what I will make for Sunday Breakfast!" And he did.

Rosie and Ryan come over very early and we were all ready for the coffee that Mr. Bryant had ready (thank heavens!).

Good morning, Rose!

We sat down to Huevos Rancheros with all the trimmings and some fresh fruit on the side. Absolutely perfect.

Yum, what a great birthday breakfast, with a Barry the G-Gnome card for Rosie and more presents as well! Nice!

Monday, July 5, 2010

Keeping us busy

Seems silly to always have something to say about the kittens, but I tell you, they are keeping us busy. They want to be where we are, into whatever we are doing, even to the point of Max trying out Mr. Bryant's pistachios! (And he loved them, I might add!) This, of course, started a rapid search on the internet to make sure cats and pistachios weren't a deadly mix, and it turns out that they are fine in moderation. Egad.

So, they had their 4 month check up Friday, and Max is 7.8 lbs with Gracie at 5.3. They are growing at the same rate and looking perfectly lovely and the vet is pleased and so are we.

They are more fun than I ever expected. I encourage you to consider a kitten or two.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Camera Down........Pergola Up

My wonderful perfect favorite camera in the whole world is broken. This is a pretty significant set back. I love this camera and am praying that all it requires is a quick fix, a minor adjustment. Ama will take it in on Monday for me, and I will keep my fingers crossed until then. Seems a surprise to me that it bothers me so much. I have become interested in maintaining a documentation of this life, of the moments and days that bring memories and smiles. I don't want to have an unexpected glitch.

But pictures from last week are still available, when, on Saturday morning Mr. Bryant asked me what kind of arch I wanted over the new garden gate. He drew a few ideas, we got out a few reference books, and by dinner time, look what we had?

I love this, it sets the tone for all the other gate pergolas, and should work perfectly with the large one we plan to build out back. Thanks Sweetie!!

Friday, May 7, 2010

Mr. Bryant and CH. Purrbodys Flashpoint of Alopeke

As you know, we are shopping for the perfect kittens for our house.

On a recent visit to Alopeke Cattery we met a beautiful cat named Flash. This Champion Maine Coon delighted us with his personality and he engaged directly with us, watching us as we moved around, talking to us, generally checking out his visitors! He was really gorgeous, and Mr. Bryant liked him pretty darn much - and it looks like Flash liked him back as well.

See for yourself!


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