Monday, December 8, 2014

Halloween 2014

Of course, the nice weather we had been enjoying just couldn't last through Halloween. It got cold a few days before, and we again froze in the 30s for trick or treating. Here are the kids before heading to the neighborhood Halloween parade. Sam a stick figure, Ben Doctor Who (the 11th), Cailin a 50's girl, and Link a minion. 
  Halfway down our street I realized I didn't get any individual pics, so I made the kids stop for them. 
  Cailin and her friend Peyton. 
Here we go!

  Ben's friends ready to trick or treat! So funny that they're all scary ghouls and Ben is Doctor Who. 
The neighborhood picture.

And then Ben and friends were off.

Sam and his friends left soon after, so Jason and I were left with Cailin, her friend, and Link.

He and I didn't last too long. Even with thermals it was just too cold. He had sooo much fun though. And people kept saying that he was the cutest kid they had seen all night. He made a perfect little minion. He loves to randomly make this mad face as a joke, hehe.
About 20 minutes later, Cailin and Jason were home. Eventually, Sam got back, and finally Ben. They all wanted to end the night watching Ghostbusters like last year.

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