Tuesday, December 23, 2014

December Pictures

The kids enjoying the grandparents-narrated Christmas stories. For a couple days, Link would just open the first page to hear them tell them all Merry Christmas by name!
 Lincoln is going through that awkward stage where one nap is too much and he's up all night, and no naps are not enough--he falls asleep at 5:30!
 Our tree all done.
 Sam and Cailin doing the wishbone from Thanksgiving.
 Link, "I'm just going to go for a run!"
 He does this each time we are walking in to preschool. Takes a deep breath and looks up and says, "I just love the cold air!" Little Minnesota boy!
 Doing some morning shadow puppets.
 The first two days in December were tough for Lincoln. We got them chocolate advent calendars from Ikea, and he was carrying it around the whole two days asking if it was time for the next one yet. On the third day, it got to be too much for him to handle and I found this in his room:
 Completely shredded and every chocolate gone! Hehehe. I was relieved I didn't have to hear about it for the rest of the month at least! Here's the kids being presents under the tree.
 Ever eager to get to school!
 One day Lincoln showed me this big "plus" he drew. He said it was a window, and kept drawing them over and over. I think this is the first thing he's made that actually kinda looks like something, so he was very excited!
 Making cheerios trees! To everyone else, these are just okay, but I think I could eat a whole box of cereal like this.
 Sam's advent chocolate looks like a Tardis, he says.
 Lincoln taking Christmas selfies. Time to update the ole profile pic, hehe.
 He drew this at the church Christmas party.
It's become tradition to stop at this house to watch the synchronized light display.
 Cailin Claus.
 They celebrated Lincoln's half Birthday at preschool since he has a summer Birthday. Luckily it was around Jason's birthday so he could indulge in some cake and present opening.
 Kids singing at the ward Christmas party.
 Link ready to roll!
 He wanted Jason to take a picture of him holding a present. He's sooooo excited. I'm surprised I haven't found any unwrapped presents around yet!
 December 22. In MN. No snow?! This has been the craziest (warmest, non snowiest) December we've had since moving here! I was pretty worried when November was already so arctic!
 Jason's white elephant gift score.

 I was able to help out at the second grade Christmas party at Cailin's school.
 Sam's bowler had he won in a game of moonlight bowling.

Just wanted some cute pictures...

 before church on Sunday. This time it was Cailin that was making things difficult. She had been throwing a fit because the tardis bag she usually brings to church didn't "match" her outfit (like it ever does??).

 Then she really got upset--something about her headband? I'm not sure, but I think tiredness had more to do with it than any matching problems.
 Lincoln decided to play along with some angry faces of his own!

 Sam's attempt at a photobomb.

 The best we're going to do...until next year.

Lincoln Preschool Show

Lincoln ready to go with his gift donation!
 So cute. Wish the dance show wasn't at the same time! I wanted to see both. Jason did get some video at least.

 This is what I saw when Cailin and I got home:

Cailin's Holiday Dance Show

This year, on our anniversary, Link had his preschool show, and Cailin had her dance show, I took Cailin and Jason took Link.

 I was so proud of her ballerina bun I managed. She was pouting because she didn't want in in. Luckily for her, it fell out halfway through.

 For some reason I can't get the videos to edit for size. Perhaps some day I will, but most likely not.

 After the dancing comes Santa.