Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Cailin's Preschool Show

Cailin had her preschool Christmas show last week. She was so cute. I ended up making her a Christmas skirt & headband, even though earlier I swore I wouldn't because I had too many other projects. Well, then I couldn't find anything cute that didn't cost more than I was willing to spend, so I had to. Luckily it didn't take long.

Here she is waiting to place her toy donation at the baby Jesus.
And getting all lined up. She's standing next to a little boy named Jack. It was pretty clear the whole show that she'd rather not be, hehehe.She kept peeking over at him, giving weird looks and scootching away.And here are the videos:

Jesus, Jesus, Go to Sleep:

Little Angels: This one has a lot of her glaring at poor Jack, hehehe.

This Little Light of Mine:

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