Friday, December 30, 2011

Christmas 2011!

What a Christmas! The kids mostly slept pretty well with the exception of Ben (and Lincoln, of course, but that's every night). Ben said he got up during the night and thought it was morning, so he started reading then looked at the clock and saw that it was 2:30 AM! So he went back to sleep. Then I heard a racket at 4:30 AM that sounded like all the kids were running all over the place, so I got up to investigate. It was just Ben. Running laps around his room. I told him to turn off his light and get back into bed! Finally it was a little after 7 when everyone started getting up. The kids were so excited to go downstairs! Santa was good to them this year. Everyone got what they asked Santa for and then some. This one was a family gift.This Pinkie Pie from Grandma & pa Whetstone was hilarious. As soon as we got the package it was talking, loudly exclaiming "I'm Pinkie Pie!", and continued even after we wrapped it! So we had to leave it hidden until Christmas Eve lest it give itself away.
My Pal Scout! It's so cute, plugged it into the computer and selected Lincoln's name and some favorites and now it says "I love you, Lincoln!" and asks for baby food!Had to get this when I saw it.Grandma Patten made Cailin a little apron! So cute.Whew! What a mess.Sam provided answers to all our questions all day. Ben checked out his new bike. Now they can all move up a bike size and not look like circus clowns! Also, since we still have yet to have any snow, he can actually ride it now. Unbelievable considering last years' snow at this point! Santa brought Link a new ball popper. It was a favorite when Cailin was a baby but it broke :(Even the big kids have fun with it!Lincoln was laughing at Cailin's Pinkie Pie talking and burping from across the room. He didn't appreciate it close up, though.Cailin singing.Jason set up the kinect in the basement, and the kids have been pretty occupied with it ever since.I'm glad our church wasn't until 11, it was the perfect amount of time to open, play, eat a nice breakfast and get ready to go. I made the boys matching ties this year.

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Christmas Eve

The kids love tracking Santa all day on Christmas Eve. Lincoln was making some progress sitting up (he is pretty good at it now, 5 days later).
He kept seeing the dots on this blanket and trying to grab them.Lincoln has also recently learned how to give big, slobbery kisses. So sweet.The boys practiced holding Link while standing up. He loved it!Cailin's still not quite strong enough for him.That evening we had a nice ham dinner, made cookies for Santa, and the kids opened their Christmas Eve gift. New jammie pants and stuffed frogs to match! I love Cailin's and Link's faces here, hehehehe.Then the kids sprinkled some reindeer food outside that Cailin had made at preschool, we read Twas the Night Before Christmas and the Christmas story in the Bible, and the kids and hopped into bed. For some reason I've started taking pictures of the kids sleeping every Christmas Eve.It was pretty risky taking this one. As soon as I snapped it, he opened his eyes! Luckily he closed them again quickly and was asleep still. And I just love how he sleeps with his hands up under his head (well, not quite since his arms are too short for that). So cute.

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Merry Christmas!


Wednesday, December 21, 2011

More Christmas Fun!

I'm trying to get caught up before Christmas! Just some more random holiday stuff. Here's a story Sam wrote recently (The Tree):

Translation: One day Bob had a tree. It wasn't an ordinary tree, it came to life. "Dang it!" said Bob. "No!" said Bob. But it lit on fire, then it exploded. "Wow" said Bob and they had a happy ending. The End.

This week we got a package from Grandma and Grandpa Whetstone with some goodies and some "open now" presents. The kids were thrilled. Link was hilariously trying to be sneaky and eat some paper. He was lifting it up to his mouth sooo slowly, watching Jason.They got puzzles and a Charlie Brown book narrated by Grandma & Grandpa! Thanks! Cailin especially loves the book and listens to it several times a day. Yesterday she was listening to it and at the beginning Grandpa says, "You're always in our hearts." Cailin gasped and said, "Mom! Did you hear that?! They said we're always in their hearts!" They all did their puzzles that night (I thought Jason took pictures but I guess not) and then we made our traditional gingerbread (graham cracker) houses. Sam especially loved this activity. He said, "This is why I want to be a builder!" Hehehe, he wants to be so many things!The finished products, and as Cailin said, "Hoo-La!"I made a tiny one for Link. He loved it, obviously.That night we overheard Sam in the bathroom saying, "I feel like I'm in a dream today, but I don't want to wake up!" It was a good day, apparently! The next day, the munching of the houses began.