Tuesday, August 26, 2014

"You made it"

A couple weeks ago our Relief Society passed around a temple trip sign up. We live 15-20 minutes away from the Oquirrh Mountain temple, so you'd think I'd get there more often. I have fallen into a rut and can't remember the last time I did an endowment session. I have been for initiatory, because they are shorter, it seems easier for me to do those. Since the Relief Society was going and I could get a babysitter for Grace I signed up last week for the 1:00 session. That would be the latest time I could go to make it back for the boys to get home from school.
Yesterday I got a call from someone in the R.S. presidency wondering if I could do initiatory instead since she had something come up. I thought about, but felt like I really needed to do the endowment session, so I told her that, she said she'd try and make it as well. This morning she text me saying she can't make it and everyone else that signed up also had something come up and they wouldn't make it. That was fine, I still needed to go. My neighbor, Denee, said she could watch Grace for me.
This morning Trina called me to see if I could watch her girls. I said I was planning on going to the temple so I couldn't. I dropped Grace off at Denee's and got in the van. Dead battery. I got the feeling Satan really didn't want me to get to the Temple today. I ran back across the street to Denee's house and told her I had a dead battery. She grabbed her van keys without any hesitation and told me to take her van. I said maybe we could try a jump, but realized I wouldn't make the session if we did that. So I said thanks and ran out the door.
I knew I'd make it on time, but definitely needed to hurry. The Oquirrh Mountain Temple is up on a hill. As I got to bottom of the hill there was construction and I could see the temple, I kept thinking, "I just need to get inside the temple." As I handed my recommend to the man at the counter, he looked at me and said, "You made it." I started crying right there, because I did make it. Lots of little things tried to stop me from getting there, but I made it.
After I got changed I had 5 minutes to make my session. I needed to use the bathroom, but knew I didn't have time. When I got my paper for who I was going through for the worker needed to check something. I start to think, "I don't have time for this." She came back and I was on my way. The next worker told me they were taking my session in. I 'reverently' ran up the stairs and was the last one to make it in. I sat down and breathed a sigh, I made it.
As I sat in the Celestial room after I just sat there and let the peace and comfort you can only feel at the temple fill me up and thanked my Heavenly Father for helping me make it. When I walked out I noticed the man at the front counter welcome those coming to the temple. He didn't say 'you made it' to any of those coming. I felt his words again, "You made it," they felt personal, like he knew that I almost didn't make it today. I know that I am blessed, and I need to remember this day.

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