Thursday, March 4, 2010

This is what we've been doing...

My poor baby hasn't been feeling so great, and of course,
I just went back to work,
so I can't stay home with the poor little guy.
Cameron has had to give up a few jobs to be with the little guy (not good for us!).
This is what I do when I get home from work.
Then again in the middle of the night.

And of course (cause we love to share the joy),
Emmy decided to get sick too.
So she got to do breathing treatments too.
She kinda liked them... at first.

And then again with the little guy.
He also got deep-suctioned at the hospital.
They said there wasn't much to pull out now.
He's past the worst they say.
If we could just get over this DARN cough.
Cameron says it sounds like a machine gun.
Man, I'm in trouble.
I'm gonna have a hard time getting this guy out of my bed now that he is my sleeping buddy.
(I need to hear him to make sure his is breathing ok...
and so that I can elevate him).

After a few treatments, this kid is feeling better (wish I could say the same for O).
And these two beauties have been spared the illness this go around
(Spencer and Cameron did too).
I got pretty sick.
I think I was sleep-deprived, so it was easy to get sick.
Camille and Katelyn danced at their school talent show.
They did great.

Monday, March 1, 2010


Last weekend, I enjoyed my last few moments of maternity leave by heading to my cousin Thi-Anh's wedding in California. Thi-Anh was like a little sister to me growing up, so I was so fun to be able to join her for her special day.

Her reception was on a yacht
It was pretty cool.

My arms were DEAD from carrying around this carrier with my little (but heavy) guy. I was in serious need of pain-killers when I got home after lugging this thing around for 3 days. I was REALLY missing Cameron during these moments. But, it was well worth it.

And I do have to say, the Vietnamese food is California is killer! It is almost worth going just for the food. We ate as much Vietnamese food we could squeeze into the few days we were there (as evidence by the many empty plates in the following picture).
It was funny that the waiter kept asking us if we really wanted to order all that food... see all the plates stacked on top of each other, we had no table room left. Oh, it was so yummy. Now I'm going to crave it until I go back.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

What is Missing? and a "Great" Helper!

Look at this cute kid... what is missing?

Look a little closer...
You guessed it, this cute girl lost her first tooth. She was so excited. Camille didn't loose her first tooth until 3rd grade (I know... late!). I was sad that I missed it (I was in California). She was thrilled that because it was her first tooth, she got 5 whole bucks from the tooth fairy... now she says she is the richest in our family- sad that this is probably true-.

And look at this "great" helper. I was frosting a cake for my niece's birthday. She was licking the empty container to help me out... doesn't she look like a great help. Thank goodness Anne showed up to clean her up for the party.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Too Cute!

My sister Caroline is great at taking pictures...
She took a few of my new little guy for me.
Who do you think he looks like?

I mostly get Camille as the response. I just don't know. He looks a little like all of them to me.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

A Typical Saturday Morning

Our kids have this thing...
they like to sleep in the playroom on the weekends.
We don't mind,
they go in there at a decent time, and watch movies and play
until they fall asleep.
They are quiet and happy,
so who cares where they sleep.
It's kind of funny though,
when we check on them in the morning, we find them in the funniest
This particular Saturday, it seems I forgot to tell them to get
into their PJ's first.

I don't know how Katelyn slept like this. Camille was totally on top of her, and when I first went in, her legs were straight up the back of the couch. I was laughing so hard.
(If you talk to Camille DO NOT tell her this picture is on here, she would be so mad!)

And this little guy is a nudie because he leaked all over his jammies, but still didn't want to wake up when I was changing him, so I just put him back to sleep snuggled up with me in bed without any clothes on.

And then there is this one. She wakes up as soon as she hears any commotion. She is banished to her room to sleep even on the weekends, because she is a crazy sleeper.
She DOES NOT like to be cuddled, but loves to twist and turn in her sleep.
Her dolls are the only ones who can take it, OH, and she HAS to have that pink blankie that Anne gave her. I've never had a blankie kid before, so it's kind of weird to me.
I have to sneak it out of her bed to wash it.
Oh, and you should see this kid's crazy hair when she wakes up.

This Little Bugger

It is this little SASSY yet BEAUTIFUL little bugger who makes me tired these days...
She is into EVERYTHING.
I cannot nap while she's awake for FEAR of what I will find.

This is Emmy in Owen's crib. She climbed in and started pulling wipes off the changing table that she was able to reach and started using them to clean her book.

That face tells all!

and so does this one!

This is her in Owen's bassinet (that she climbed into while I was asleep right next to it on the bed). She also pulled out all my drawers and find things like chapstick, which she will put all over her face. Oh, and she brought me the lid to some Vaseline the other day, who knows where the tub is (scary).

But, though she tries my patience, who couldn't melt at this adorable sight?

What we've been up to...

We have been watching this guy change and grow...
Man I'm going to miss hanging out with him.
(I go back to work in a week and a half... boo!)

Going to the dentist
This was my first outing with ALL 5 of my kids by myself.
(Really the number 5 just pushed us over the edge, now it seems like people are staring).
The four who got checked out didn't have ANY cavities.
Oh happy day!
That's a first for us!

This is Spence practicing his mad brushing skills on the money with HUGE teeth.

Emmy did awesome until about his point when they ACTUALLY wanted to put their hands in her mouth. She loved the brushing and the playing with the toys and watching TV.

We CELEBRATED Katie's birthday a few times!
She had a party with her 23 "closest" friends and family members at
Classic Skating, then we her TRADITIONAL family dinner that Sunday
where she chose the menu:
Noodles with white sauce
Chicken and mushrooms on the side (for the adults Kate told me)
Carrots and chips with ranch dip
Fruit Tray with Yogurt Dip
I also made this Lemon cake that literally was tipping over... it didn't look so pretty, but MAN oh MAN did it taste good!

And then the next week, just cause we all needed some more cake... we decided to have a birthday party for Buzz and Woody (Spencer's toys)... the kids helped me make a cake
and we took turns re-lighting and blowing out the candles. Spencer
thought that was pretty cool
(the picture of the other kids doing it didn't turn out so great because Emmy was moving too much)...Kate was getting so upset because every time it was her turn to blow, Emmy
would blow them out before she could. We kept having
to relight.

And because you KNOW I love a good party...
we hosted our dear friend Betsy's bridal shower at our house.
There were literally 80 people there, so it was a crazy mad house.
I spent the whole week before cleaning and organizing the house.
It was the cleanest/most organized it has been since we have lived here.
I love a good excuse to clean up.
The food was good, and the company was great!
After, there was a bachelorette party.
I jumped on an opportunity to get out of the house with NO kids to enjoy some fun "GIRL" time
with all these ladies.

And... I've been watching this guy's male pattern baldness happening. His HEAD has LITERALLY grown so much since he was born that his hairline has moved and he now
has some major male pattern baldness going on.
I told Cameron he LOOKS like an old man.
...but still so DANG cute!