Wednesday, February 24, 2010

What is Missing? and a "Great" Helper!

Look at this cute kid... what is missing?

Look a little closer...
You guessed it, this cute girl lost her first tooth. She was so excited. Camille didn't loose her first tooth until 3rd grade (I know... late!). I was sad that I missed it (I was in California). She was thrilled that because it was her first tooth, she got 5 whole bucks from the tooth fairy... now she says she is the richest in our family- sad that this is probably true-.

And look at this "great" helper. I was frosting a cake for my niece's birthday. She was licking the empty container to help me out... doesn't she look like a great help. Thank goodness Anne showed up to clean her up for the party.

1 comment:

lyn. said...

Glad to know that that the tooth fairy finally found Katelyn asleep... LOL

Also, glad that you have so much help now that you are back at work and have five kids... :-/