Saturday, September 15, 2007

We are officially online!!!

Okay... I didn't think I would ever have the time for something like this, but it is so fun to read everyone else's stuff. I feel like I know about what is going on with everyone and I love that. I guarantee I won't be as proficient as Caroline (who carries her camera everywhere), but I will do my best.
Things here are great! We are as busy as ever, but feel that the organized chaos of our schedules and activities are enjoyed by the kids as well as getting them ready for the busy world we live in. Here's a little glimpse into our lives:

Cameron: Working hard, hauling things, weeding, making a huge pile of dirt in the driveway (from where the trampoline just went underground), answering phones, trying to close on properties, trying to finishing jobs, trying to start jobs, picking up kids, faxing, returning phone calls, meeting with clients, driving around, coaching both girls soccer teams, playing on the company softball team, trying to keep his wife happy, etc...

Christine: Taking care of and nurturing 31 curious fourth graders, trying to teach them something, picking up and dropping off kids, doing hair, changing diapers, making lunches and dinner (most of the time), 4 x a week at the gym with my trainer... yep still doing it, listening to the same movies over and over ( I used to really love Seven Brides for Seven Brothers), reminding Cameron of the millions of things he needs to do, trying to sleep, running here and there, and LOVING my family.

Camille: 2nd grade homework, reading, writing, math, helping mom around the house- dishes and laundry are her favorite (no kidding), play dates with friends, playing games on disney, riding her 2-wheeler (yep, she even learned in one day), tap, ballet, mini company, gymnastics, soccer, swim team, and in her spare time entertain the younger ones with art lessons and pretending to be the mom.

Katelyn: Learning Dynamics preschool on T/TH with her "boyfriend" Tairen, Baby Bulldog preschool on M/W/F, gymnastics (which turns out she is pretty good at according to her coach), combo 2 dance class, soccer with Dad (mostly she just follows the herd of boys around the field), claiming the mysterious colorings around the house were not from her, playing with her best friends, Lucy and Lily, riding her scooter, and showing Spencer the ropes.

Spencer: Eating and eating (he usually samples everyone's food, just to make sure we're safe), running- the little dude is fast by the way, throwing any kind of ball he can get his hands on, getting dragged off the soccer field at every game as he desperately tries to reach his dad (who is on the field with the kids), playing with and hiding trucks and cars, sticking hands in the toilet to splash the water, taking off his diaper and peeing on the floor or just running around while his sisters scream that he is a nudie, sticking his hands and feet into every pile of dirt he can find, sleeping, and best of all giving the GREATEST hugs and kisses.

Whew! I get exhausted thinking about all that I have to do this week, but wouldn't change it. We love spending time together, and try to have everyone at all these things. I'll get some pictures on as soon as I can.


Unknown said...

ha ha .. i knew you'd eventually cave.
now i don't have to post pictures of your kids for you all the time :)

Thi-Anh said...

Yea! How exciting. Welcome to the blogging world.

mom said...

Wow, I am impressed! Now you do 21 things at a time instead of just 20!!

Angela said...

keep the entries you just have to get Cameron to be in charge of the blog and you're set!

Crystal said...

Welcome to blogging! This way we can "keep in touch" with each other's lives! Crystal